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Astronaut training program


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Ok so this is a project that I have been working on for a while, and have recently begun working within it. I'm still working on a couple things, but I have outlined a good idea of what I'd like to do with it.

So to explain, I have been working on an astronaut training program, or more or less searching for one. Since I have always wanted to be an astronaut and have a ton more free time since I graduated from high school, I decided to start working on the details. I'm going to document my progress with this on Youtube, and livestream some of my missions on twitch. I just need to know that people are gonna want to watch it. Just so you all know, I am working on both a workout, mind building, and simulation program, that uses KSP and some other games.

How it works is simple. You set yourself on a schedule like an astronaut. Or try and set one. This schedule should include, workouts, education, and simulation time. The workouts don't have to be to tough. Currently I run around 3-4 miles a day, and do push ups in the mornings and crunches before bed. This rounds out my workout and helps me build what I lack in muscle mass. My last run was kind of great because I was able to complete it before my time constraint ran out. The education doesn't have to be anything fancy. Go to Youtube, and search what you want to learn. Take notes, and subscribe to their channel. Learn math, science, or history. No tests or quizzes, just study what you want. Finally simulations. Plan out a mission for yourself, and pick a game that would most suit that mission. For example, you want to go to an orbiting space station. There are several games including KSP that would adequately simulate going to a space station or you can build your own in KSP. Plan and train yourself for a mission to the station. Put yourself into orbit, practice the maneuvers needed to get an encounter, and practice docking. If you want to you can also practice reentry and landing.

Missions are another important step in this. Missions are sort of rewards and can take many forms. The first obvious one is you livestream or just play out your mission. No using timewarp during an actual mission. So if your going to the mun, you better be ready to sit there for a couple days or plan on doing other things while you wait. You don't have to livestream. I will be for mine, and am planning my first actual mission close to January time. But do not have a current date. Another form of mission can be a simulated space road trip. This requires you have a car, a tent or other things, and a spacesuit costume. How it works is you pick a destination, say a camp site in the forest. You drive there, living either out of your car or in a tent. Reach your destination, have some fun, doing EVA's and science experiments. Then drive back. Catch is every time you go outside, you have to wear the spacesuit. And you have to act like your on a space mission. And finally the last mission type is a space themed vacation. Travel to either a local air and space museum. Go to one of the major ones or a NASA center. Just enjoy your time there, and learn something. Missions are achievements. So when you've reached a certain goal. Than you can go off to the next achievement, and enjoy a reward for it.

So I'm just curious if anyone would like to watch me attempt this. I will post a link to my channel in the future, but I want to know if people will watch it, and if you want to do it as well, go right ahead. This is designed to better yourself, and have a little fun.

Thank you.

Have a good.

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Dont know if this is a troll or legit. But as a suggestion if you have extra nerdy friends you can wear a fitbit and have one friend act as a flight surgeon monitoring your heart rate sleep patterns etc. while on a mission. You could also have one friend do Capcom with cell phones or longrange radios if you really wanna get into it. And if you have a rich friend he could act as congress and fund your missions (gas, supplies etc.)

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