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Capt'n Skunky

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The V2, All vanilla, and left with more than ample fuel to take bigger components. The V1 was my test of orbit, and the V2 was my first attempt at the moon, but decided to aim for Minmus when I realized I had a S-Ton* of fuel left once in orbit. First landing I attempted to save the tri-rocket 3rd stage, but the Nozzle Bells could not take the weight. So I added struts.(Next plan is to take base compartments)

It says it all...

[shadow=blue,left]Like a boss.[/shadow]

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That\'s probably my favorite mun base i\'ve seen :D

Thanks! Though I think you meant Minmus, not Mun, base. It is called 'Minmus Research Center'. My 'Mun Research Center' is currently still in the development phase:


Only addon: Crew tank from Damned Aerospace, the four-way arms are done exploiting a minor bug in the placement of the structural fuselages

You can see more of the Minmus Research Center here, since it was my base of operations for a challenge:


Edit: Updated ver. of Mun RC:


I didn\'t want to add a decoupler below the command pod, I went the Jeb way for landing on Kerbin: The chute on the command pod just rips it off the main body. 8)

Edited by Stogas
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Thanks! Though I think you meant Minmus, not Mun, base. It is called 'Minmus Research Center'. My 'Mun Research Center' is currently still in the development phase:


Only addon: Crew tank from Damned Aerospace, the four-way arms are done exploiting a minor bug in the placement of the structural fuselages

You can see more of the Minmus Research Center here, since it was my base of operations for a challenge:


Man... and I though my cargo VTOL, or my crash-test buildings were cool.

I feel insignificant now that I have seen your Mun base. I now have a new goal in life.

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I feel insignificant now that I have seen your Mun base.

Aw c\'mon, don\'t do that. I have awed upon other users\' crafts and/or operations (such as orbital rendezvous, which I only succeeded a few days ago: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=16964.0), and viewing of such things only encouraged me to try to achieve them too. Don\'t feel insignificant, fell inspired ;)

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Aw c\'mon, don\'t do that. I have awed upon other users\' crafts and/or operations (such as orbital rendezvous, which I only succeeded a few days ago: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=16964.0), and viewing of such things only encouraged me to try to achieve them too. Don\'t feel insignificant, fell inspired ;)

The second sentence was my show of inspiration. As I said... I have a new goal! <insert me crashing a building into the Mun here>

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Only addon: Crew tank from Damned Aerospace, the four-way arms are done exploiting a minor bug in the placement of the structural fuselages

Nice! Could you please tell me how to do this? The structural fuselages don\'t wanna be put like that.

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Nice! Could you please tell me how to do this? The structural fuselages don\'t wanna be put like that.

I replicate it like this (note that I have only done it on the addon Crew Tank, I don\'t know if it will work elsewhere):

Step 1: Take the structural fuselage in hand, turn on 4-way symmetry

Step 2: Hover the fuselage over a part, so it will show up auto-placeable vertically

Step 3: Without moving the fuselage off the part, rotate it with your wasd keys, so it will stick out

Step 4: Try to put on the fuselage (It will fail though, thats normal. Don\'t move it off the part yet!)

Step 5: Move the fuselage up and down on the part, you should see a brief green flash of the transparent fuselage somewhere in the middle (marking it is placeable)

Step 6: By moving it a few more times, identify the exact location of the flash. It only flashes when moving, so you cant place it yet.

Step 7: Zoom in for increased precision, and try to click exactly on the flash, while moving the mouse over the spot

Repeat Step 7 till you place it.

If you really can\'t get it done, I might consider uploading a pre-placed craft file.

Edit: You also might want to locate the ladder and crew hatch of the Crew Tank before placing any parts.

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Simple rocket, got into orbit with tons of fuel, decided to do a solar flyby and try my hand at some Kerban Heliophysics. I didn\'t expect the sun to get so bright, which is... kinda dumb of me, lol.

Also I can now boast my ships have passed 70 kilometers per second. Feels good...

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The Mun arch research crew was given the task of landing a massive satellite dish near an arch. Soon after landing they realised that there are no satellites in space as Cleenspace atavists are the major funder and don\'t allow in space satellites. Luckly the landing location has line of sight with Kerbin at all times.


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my favorite part of the second picture is how the shuttle looks like it\'s up on blocks.

Umm.. there\'s no shuttle in the picture. I think what you\'re trying to refer to is my Minbus, which was only a rover-type vessel to bring one of the kerbals back from afar: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=17085.msg252016#msg252016

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