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Capt'n Skunky

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I'm loving the new planets surface pics here, awesome stuff!


Jeb beside a boulder on Eve. Jeb is cool.


Jeb again on the retextured Mun. Not visible, but the Mun Arch is in the distance. First time I saw it live!


Buggy and failed landing on Gilly, Eve's moon. I will crosspost this in a bug report.

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Seriously, the next one is a spoiler, so don't view it unless you really want to know what's in the crater.

WHY JEB, WHY!? Apparently this 'crater' is actually a volcano, or something. For those that haven't landed on Moho, heat is a major issue. Be careful how much thrust you apply because engines overheat and explode rapidly. Obviously, this is not what happened to me as my engines are still intact. It appears as though all of my fuel tanks spontaneously exploded, leaving the engines to push up against the bottom of the craft as all the other pieces fell to oblivion.

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I haven't seen much of Jool. Is it that difficult to reach or just not worth the trip?

Pictures, for your consideration:









Oh yes, and as you can see, once you're inside the atmo it tints everything green. Super nice touch :3





My God... it's empty of stars!


The last thing Jeb saw


The sun is quite dim from out here.

I tried to get to one or two of its moons as well, but my trajectory was really bad and I didn't have quite enough fuel to alter it AND make contact with a moon. I actually did have an encounter with Layth randomly lined up, but I was moving ~2800m/s and had a periapsis of 2,800,000km, so with only ~500L of fuel remaining it was an impossibility. After ~3 years worth of Jool orbits, each incrementally closer, I found the atmo

at a very shockingly low altitude of ~138km. Despite being incredibly thin (the ISP of my nuclear engine only dropped like 1-2%) it dragged me down to the surface during my second aerobrake through, the first being at 117km and the second at 100. I suspect this is due to how much area I flew through it (going 8000kms).]


the "ground" doesn't really exist. I kept falling to around -100m and then "clouds" (stated in mission debriefing) started buffeting my ship and Jeb around, eventually exploding the command capsule. I left Jeb to his own devices on an EVA. Last issue I have with Jool is that there's some intense immersion in the atmo and the stars disappear after a little while, only to re-emerge as bright as ever at ~4km altitude. What's up with that?

Edited by cardgame
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I know I'm a bit late with this, but for my first time I managed to go to minmus and return (I've gone there but never returned) and to make it even better, it was my first minmus mission using the mk1-2 pod


Standing by to launch




The pigeon has landed!


Crew portrait!


Kerbal stacking!



Back at Kerbin.

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I assume that one's based on the "Face" on mars

nice one polar bear. i haven't done a return from minmus before either lol and its nice to see some screenshots that don't involve the new worlds too lol

Thanks! I realized this desin would work after tryng to go to duna, I tought that if it could et me into interplanetary space then why not minmus?

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So in the interest of practicing my planetary intercepts, I decided to do a fly by of the mun and try to land on Minmus. Needless to say, I have never even BEEN to Minmus before :P. I was successful!





Edited by AmpsterMan
I wasn't allowed to post those images like regular :(
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Planetary Exploration, part II:

•The Palaran-2 spacecraft successfully inserted itself in lower Evian orbit after aerobraking in the planet's atmosphere:


•Meanwhile, the Palaran-3 DunaScout mission, consisting of an orbiter and a lander put together, sat on KSC's launchpad:


•DunaScout's Cruise Stage, Orbiter and Lander waiting for the TDI-window in Kerbin orbit:


Taking it slowly, but steadily.

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I ... sort of landed.

I under estimated the atmosphere eve has and the parachutes ripped my craft to shreds when they opened.






I am not trying to land on eve again any time soon.

Edited by zpox357
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Landing on Duna - but this time Jeb brings a rover AND a lander at the same time and a risky, almost Curiosity like, method of landing is used!


You can always make two launches - one with a lander and one with the return stage. Then put your lander into an orbit and transfer the crew.

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I'm only who landed first on Eve lakes?

I mistook the Eve lakes for the ground when landing during night-time, everything survived though.

Moderator Comment: While I appreciate that people might want to highlight the fact that these are screenshots from 0.17, we already have a screenshot thread going on over here that also contains screenshots from 0.17. In the interest of organisation, I've merged the two threads.

Edited by Ted
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