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Here's your ship we have no money...


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Jeb and friends have spent a year planning their trip to Duna, however, they forgot to talk to structural engineers before they assembled/docked their craft in LKO. So when Jeb gave his three part vessel throttle to leave LKO to head for Duna he quickly ran into problems. After immediately shutting down throttle, Jeb radioed home and asked that two transfer vessels be launched so the before mentioned Duna vessel could be split into 3 and go to Duna separately. Unknown to Jeb, the two transport vessels are linked together and will be launched that way, also unknown to Jeb this has come at a time when KSP is facing sequestration and thus this must be done on the cheap.

Challenge: I will provide the craft file that you will then design a rocket to launch into 74k orbit. Note, the ship you download is 107T and it must reach Jeb's craft with all it's fuel and only 100 RCS max used. Treat the vessel that you download as the payload - it has probe core, RCS, Sr docking ports, reaction wheel, poodle, and fuel for the transfer burn to Duna.


  1. Download craft file.
  2. Design a rocket that will take the craft to 74k orbit.
  3. Mods: only MJ and KER allowed.
  4. Lowest overall cost wins.
  5. In the case of a tie, the ship with the lower part count wins.

Difficulties: (This is total cost not just the amount added to the craft's cost)

  1. Easy: $155K or more
  2. Moderate: $140 - $155K
  3. Difficult: $130K - 140K
  4. Hard: $110K - $130K
  5. Impossible: Less then $110K

The big question is can you launch this for $100k or less?

Edited by oab2
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I edited the challenge to include difficulty rating. I have a $159K craft thus far and am working to get this down to the $120k range.

Hopefully some of you will take this on.

Please include your craft file in your submission.

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This challenge came to mind because of several factors:

  1. I am new to this game and I have enjoyed learning from experienced players who demonstrate efficient builds. This further demonstrates they have a knowledge of the game's mechanics and that is something I want to learn. (ie better without going way bigger).
  2. I was intrigued by a recent challenge of getting the most fuel up into LKO for less then 200K. (See: Most Fuel To LKO). The winner had a mammoth rocket with around 13k LF for under $200K. From this it would seam you could launch 100T with half that. So I started taking on that challenge myself.
  3. The included craft file was because I wanted to see how experienced and knowledgeable players would deal with this craft's odd build and still show their mastery of the games mechanics.

I intended to have a fun challenge where individuals demonstrated their mastery of building difficult rockets under difficult parameters. It seams both SpaceplaneAddict and Sanic would rather spend their time with rude snarky comments then add something beneficial to the KSP community. Perhaps a minimum age is needed? If you don't know how to do this just say so, or perhaps launch this craft on your favorite SSTO if you can as a "Pro SSTO Master".

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  oab2 said:
SpaceplaneAddict would rather spend their time with rude snarky comments then add something beneficial to the KSP community. Perhaps a minimum age is needed? If you don't know how to do this just say so, or perhaps launch this craft on your favorite SSTO if you can as a "Pro SSTO Master".

Don't. If you are going to host a challenge like this, STATE IT!

State the fact that this is just an efficiency challenge. People WILL get confused and say stuff like I did. So please. Show us your attempt and STATE IT!


Be specific next time, and maybe this conundrum won't happen again.

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oab2: If you have not done so already, please read the challenge submission rules sticky, they clearly state that you MUST complete the challenge YOURSELF before submitting the challenge; you must also post pictures to prove that you completed the challenge. if you do this, it is possible that others might try the challenge. this post is submitted in the spirit of providing a set of guidelines that will facilitate easier and more enjoyable participation in our community here, and is not intended to be insulting or hostile in any way. other than that, HAVE FUN AND GO FOR BROKE, DUDE!

P.S. if you HAVE read the challenge rules sticky, please ignore this post.

Edited by dacamp66
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well it looks like below 135k (my solution only around 145k, but looks same as Mesklin one, just slightly other fuel storages, and engines, Mesklin one is better and allows further stripping) it's impossible for one launch (i.e. viewing that as payload)

but if refuel later on orbit, it lowers to 95k, or even lower if cheat with fuel selling from minmus, or slightly lower if just use fuel from minmus (without cheating, in that case considered that you start with that limited summ only (90k and no other vessels) and do several launches so in the end requested ship will be on requested orbit and fueled, mined fuel not exchanged (via money) to parts, only to refuel craft)

below 90k it's possible only if one break struts on craft (i.e. launch 2 parts separately) in several launches and refuels,

in case struts needed ... well KAS/KIS ... :) but in case KAS/KIS craft can be assembled in orbit even further cheaper (probably down to 70k).

Edited by okder
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First of all thanks dacamp66 for the heads up. I had not realized I needed to post my attempt. Thanks for your good counsel as well.

I will try to get my launch photos up soon, as now it is the weekend I should have some more time. One of my original try's was around $128K but was only abut 1.2 TWR and 2200 Dv. It seams that extra TWR and Dv really jacks the cost up. The one I did get up to launch was around $160k and I did such a terrible job launching it I was too embarrassed to post pics.

Edited by oab2
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