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How to make a mod for a complete beginner!

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So I have been playing Ksp for a while now and I would like to know how you go about making a mod! I know that programming language is C#. But need to know how to code C#! Also what is the recommended modeling software for parts? Because the only modeling software I know how to use is Autodesk pro and Google sketch-up. So basically I need a idiots guide to making a mod for KSP. :confused:

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Firstly let me start by saying, I'm not discouraging anyone. But first you need fundamentals in programming, then C# and unity. Those are big subjects and I would suggest you try basic coding and unity tutorials, etc first. Unity has heaps on their site. C# try google or looking at existing mod code. Pretty much everything on the forum around mod dev is assuming you have at least the basics. If you don't have the basics you will struggle and I would recommend starting with those first. I've been in IT for 28years, a programmer in my earlier years for 10years but before KSP never done game or game engine mods.. And even for me it's been a challenge.

Modeling software for parts - I'd go Blender - it's open source and isn't too difficult to pick up. But you will also need Unity. There are some very good YouTube tutorials in this thread. Check out the ones by nifty255 and cybutek.


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Firstly let me start by saying, I'm not discouraging anyone. But first you need fundamentals in programming, then C# and unity. Those are big subjects and I would suggest you try basic coding and unity tutorials, etc first. Unity has heaps on their site. C# try google or looking at existing mod code. Pretty much everything on the forum around mod dev is assuming you have at least the basics. If you don't have the basics you will struggle and I would recommend starting with those first. I've been in IT for 28years, a programmer in my earlier years for 10years but before KSP never done game or game engine mods.. And even for me it's been a challenge.

Modeling software for parts - I'd go Blender - it's open source and isn't too difficult to pick up. But you will also need Unity. There are some very good YouTube tutorials in this thread. Check out the ones by nifty255 and cybutek.


I was actually looking to understand the *basics* of modding too, from scratch. Thanks for pointing out these resources, it's appreciated!

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Gonna be quite direct here, but if you want to learn how to code/model/make mods for KSP, you're not likely to find someone to feed it all prepped up directly in your mouth. There are *tons* of resources lying around, literally waiting for you to read them. Do your research and it'll pop out to you in no time.

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