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[Boat] The Seasweeper-class Destroyer

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Hey all! After pasting Jellycubes\' aircraft carrier into my main persistence file today, I realised just how easy it is to chunk up your entire ocean with all manner of dumb junk like winglets and landing gear. So I set out to destroy them all using a boat. And I came up with this derpy-looking thing; the Seasweeper! (Formely known as Nyxon)


Because it uses pontoons instead of stock hulls, its top speed is in the region of 50m/s without losing any parts. Now, I\'m sure many of you have tried to destroy underwater debris using the SUNBEAM laser but found it hits the surface. So I decided to submerge it. But this severely limits your top speed (the laser blows up), so I needed a way to remove it and insert it into the water. With my sub-par skill at Damned Robotics, made a silly extending arm that sticks the laser in at about a 40 degree angle. Yes, this is the weirdest looking boat you\'ve ever seen, but it works. I can efficiently destroy debris in the water with this.

More pics!

Proof that you can destroy debris with this. That smoke used to be an errant winglet.


Tosh\'s pontoons combined with multiple rudders allows great maneuvering at speeds way above what is possible with the Mk2/3 hulls (note the offset attitude indicator vs. heading)


The main problem with this at the moment is that, aside from looking really goofy and unpolished, the way KSP handles yaw in level movement means that when turning, the ship wants to return to its original heading. You have to fight it a bit. Also, there are NO BRAKES.

This requires a few plugin packs.

Damned Robotics - http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10662.0

Damned Aerospace - http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10138.0

SUNBEAM Laser - http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=6452.0

Tosh\'s Amphibious Gear - http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4873.0

TL;DR: This thing can move fast on water, turn, and uses a mobile arm to destroy underwater debris. Sorry it looks so stupid!

Thanks for reading, and if you think this thing looks ugly, consider it a proof of concept. You can build a better boat if you want. =P

For the aircraft carrier shown in the first picture (all credit to JellyCubes):


Download this, install the carrier part into your \'Parts\' folder, then navigate to the persistence file in the zip, open it, copy the aircraft carrier\'s code from \'VESSEL\' to the } at the end. Paste directly underneath the last entry in your own persistent.sfs.

DISCLAIMER: Backing up your persistence file before editing it is advised. You could destroy your save if you get it wrong and not keeping a backup is dumb. Don\'t come complaining to me.

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