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[1.1.3] Pulsejet Argus As 014 / As 044 and other WWII german engines


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Hi everyone !

I'm here to show you my (first ever) mod !

I present you the "pulsejet Argus As 014" by PSSI aka Pagan Space Scorpion Industries !


As it is my first try, I will enjoy to update it to be better, more accurate, etc ! And I would love to receive feedback !

Please, do me a favor, and share your creations ! :D

Content for now :

Parts :

- Pulsejet Argus As 014

- Pulsejet Argus As 044

- Ramjet Lorin/Sänger type 1 and 2

Custom sound for the pulsjet

I plan to improve the texture(done for now), tweak velCurve and thrust (done for now), modify collision mesh (cylinder for the moment :huh:), change the tech requirement.

Ideas (might make them if there is enough material/time) :

1.25 part (thx KamikazeF0X for the idea :kiss:)

Junkers Jumo 004 & Heinkell HeS 011 (thx halowraith1 for conforting me into making this idea :wink:)

BMW 003 (thx MedicRules41 for the idea :kiss:)

Burst of thrust when starting the pulsejet, BMW 018, Jumo 012 (thx He_162:kiss:)

Porsche 109-005

Download link :

http://spacedock.info/mod/788/Pagan Scorpion Space Industries : WWII German Engines?ga=+3102+'kerbal+space+program'>+3102+'kerbal+space+program'>


Changelog :

0.7.61 : Tweak atmosphereCurve for both lorin ramjets

0.7.6 : Add the Lorin/Sänger type 2 ramjet

0.7.5 : Add the Lorin/Sänger ramjet

0.7 : /!\ SAVE BREAKING UPDATE /!\ I just added the Pulsejet Argus As 044, so I changed the name of the files to be as clear as possible (i.e. before : pulsejet.mu, and now : as014.mu and as044.mu). I can advise to remove the As 014 on your crafts, saving them, updating the mod, and adding them again. I'm sorry for the inconveniance, but it has to be done. At first I only wanted to provide one part, so it was not really a matter what I named it. But with two (or more) parts, names must be precise.

0.6 : Tweaked velCurve, and change atmCurve to Basic Engine's one : Soundfile's path fix in cfg

0.5.2 : Texture improvement

Edited by Pagan_Scorpion
Updating changelog
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That picture is maybe 90° on the side ...

I've found this useful pics if you want !


When you will be happy with your creation, you could make a 0.650m and a 1.250m version !

Like this we could have planes with an intergated pulse jet !!!

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  KamikazeF0X said:
That picture is maybe 90° on the side ...

I've found this useful pics if you want !

When you will be happy with your creation, you could make a 0.650m and a 1.250m version !

Like this we could have planes with an intergated pulse jet !!!

Yep, it seems to be turned by 90°. Nevertheless, I think one way or the other, it would run.

Neat, in french !

This one can be put inline with a 0.625m part.

But yeah, a 1.25m part could be fun to use. I'll think about it ! :D

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  Redhornet919 said:
How does it work in-game????? (i know how real pulse-jets work i just want to know if your ksp version has any differences from the regular jets)

For the moment, it works as a regular jet engine. But if I can I want to make it run like a pulsejet.

  129828 said:
Could you maybe add a node to the front of the jet so that you can mount it behind a craft, like the new engine (wich will come in 1.0.5) from porkjet (http://imgur.com/a/NkzMp)

It is already the case :wink:0E269143CD2B46D2DE7372401179D19B2D5D6F8B

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  129828 said:
Awsome, I did not even try it yet, I saw the mod at school so I could not download it, it will empower my planes to the maximum

No problem :wink:

I didn't say it, but please share your creations with me on this thread :sticktongue: !

It is always a pleasure, and inspirational to see what others do !

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  129828 said:
Could you maybe make the front a little bit larger or maybe make a small adapter so that the size fits better, that makes it look a lot better if you attacht something on the front

It's a 0.625m part, so it normally fits on those parts, like on my screenshot. I do know that it is a little bigger than 0.625m (I don't know why although, it needs more investigation).

  halowraith1 said:
Nice to see more WW2 engines. Maybe you could make this into a pack, with other early jets? (I.E. Jumo 004, HeS 011)

You know what ? I thought the same like 2h ago, i.e. a Jumo 004. HeS 011 is a good idea too ! I'll give them a check when I will finish the (hopefully better) texturing (UV unwrapping is killing me :sticktongue:) !

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  halowraith1 said:
Cool, will they be podded or inline? Or both?

I think I could make both, as I have for this one !

  He_162 said:
It works like a charm! Awesome mod dude! This made my He-162 post a lot more awesome!


Nice one ! I'm eager to see more creations :D

I may put some of mine too !

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  MedicRules41 said:
You really should add the Jumo 004 and the HeS 011 (and maybe even the BMW 003 if you feel like it)! I could finally make a functioning and good-looking Me 262, among other things.

I can make more realistic looking He-162 variants with those.

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  MedicRules41 said:
You really should add the Jumo 004 and the HeS 011 (and maybe even the BMW 003 if you feel like it)! I could finally make a functioning and good-looking Me 262, among other things.

BMW 003 might be feasable too.

I'll probably make a Jumo 004 first (with fast overheating ! :sticktongue: ). My Me 262 will be more realistic with it !

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Speaking of Me 262, the Me 262 HG III has interesting engines too.


I need to tweak the velocity curve of the As 014 too, might be overpowered for the moment.

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You could add the Argus as-044 engine, which was twice as powerful as the first one, but the intake cover was square, and it looked a little different.

Like this:



There was also the Lorin Ramjet, also known as the Sanger ramjet (both worked on the project)

Lorin: http://www.antaresmodels.com/productos/ANT-10/Lorin.jpg

Sanger: http://www.datazap.net/sites/1953/28-04-2013/DO-217/P1260505.jpg

Then there was the Bmw-018: (7,700 lbs at full thrust)



The Junker Jumo 012: (6613 lbs at full thrust)


More information on the engines here:


If you need world war two information about aircraft, I am a walking encyclopedia, so just ask!

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