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Joystick recommendation (and avoidance) thread


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23 minutes ago, gilflo said:

Will this work with Mac OS X versions ?

If not what is recommended for Mac OS X players?



It's an XInput Device.  If OSX supports Microsoft's XInput API then yes, otherwise no. (It's also a PS3 input device, so it could support that one too I suppose)

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Here's a vote for the Thrustmaster warthog. 

The problem with joysticks has for a long time been that there is really no middle ground. You either get one that is made cheaply, and works cheaply, one that works decent, and is still made cheaply, or you spend 4-500 on one that is made well and works as intended. There really just hasn't been a good middle of the road joystick/hotas in years. Especially since Saitek was taken over by madcatz. 

I've owned alot of joysticks and hotas setups, and the only two I would bother spending money on again would be the saitek x55, or the warthog. 

The saitek x55 is decent, but with most sub $300 joysticks/hotas it's light weight and cheap constriction are a letdown as soon as you take it out of the box. It has to be bolted down to something, and you easily feel the materials flex and bend while you use it, has a few driver issues but they are manageable. Sadly, this is the best sub $200 setup I've tried. 

Then there's the warthog. Great construction, great feel, works exactly as you expect. It does have pretty high resistance on the throttle levers, which to some is a turn off but I actually really like it. The biggest con? It can't be had for less than $400. 

So like I said. There's really no mid range on them. Its either the 160$ saitek, or the $4-500 thrustmaster. So if you can swing it you should just save for the higher range. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Used a pre-Madcatz X-52 for years, until it eventually started to fall apart. Decent stick that honestly lasted through more abuse than I expected it to. But recently I made the switch to the glorious Thrustmaster Warthog... and brother let me tell ya, there's no going back.

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