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The star tour challenge.

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It is the year 2011 on Kerbin, and a new president has just been sworn into office. He has a great love of scientific research and the KSC in particular, he has passed a bill that give unlimited government funding to the KSC. But the voters are dumb, and grow wary. They argue that after you have landed on most all the bodies, all you have done is sent unmanned probes out to planets. "That's boring, we want something cool and exciting." Rambles a local idiot. And so a new president, Donald Krump has announced he will run for office and among many of his dumb campaign promises. "We're going to reduce taxes and in order to do so we are going to cut funds to many obsolete branches of government such as KSC!" He has already garnered a strong following. It is almost guaranteed that the KSC will have its funding cut... Unless you do something about it! KSC director Gene Kerman has thought of the perfect solution. A massive project to really "Wow" the masses. He proposes that they land on every planet and moon in the Kerbol system. "But that's dumb!" "We've already done that." Says Jebediah. But gene Kerman reveals his plot twist. They will land on every planet and moon, with one craft constructed in LKO! A massive star tour across the Kerbol system.

He says that with the unlimited funding they currently have, this project will be trivial. But the populous will love it and the KSC will survive! And so project Star Tour was placed into your hands. Can you succeed, and save space travel as we know it?

Project Star tour. Rules and regulations.

The challenge is to send a manned mission to every moon and planet in the kerbol system. All with one craft constructed in LKO.


  1. Have at least one kerbal in the shuttle at all times, stored in any way you want.
  2. Have at least one kerbal on each of the planetary landings, stored in any way you want.
  3. Use IRSU converters and mines on other planets. I'm fairly sure that this challenge would be impossible without this.
  4. Take plenty of pictures! You don't need to take pictures of your craft being constructed in orbit or anything. But take pictures of your landings and arrivals into the SOI of planets. Take pictures of refueling stations on other planets
  5. Save Nothing is more frustrating then crashing your only lander and finding out your last save was still in kerbins SOI.
  6. NOT CHEAT. This includes using debug console, using any disallowed mods or copying any other peoples craft designs and pawning it off as your own. Please abide by this rule, if you feel like you need to cheat then you clearly aren't doing it for the fun.
  7. Have plenty of fun :).


  1. Get stressed, only do this if you'll enjoy it I don't want to torture nobody.
  2. Use unmanned landers, your landing will not count towards your score if done with an unmanned probe.
  3. Even try to do this with a single craft with no LKO construction. It's not going to work.

Banned mods:

  1. Part mods, this includes any and all mods that add any new parts, you must use stock parts.
  2. Any form of physics altering mods.
  3. Any mods not stated below.

Allowed mods:

  1. Mechjeb. You'll get more points if you don't use this. But I'm fine with you using it, just state whether or not you're using it
  2. Any mods that stabilize docking ports, aka eliminate the wobbliness from docking. No point penalty for this
  3. Any mods that allow for warp during acceleration. This will be a whole lot of waiting without this. No point penalty for this.

Scoring and points.

Because I realize that this some planets and moons will be tough to land on, I am simply awarding bonus points for landings and returns for the following planets:

  1. Tylo: 1,000 extra points.
  2. Eve: 2,000 extra points.

Other bonus points:

  1. + 50 points per kerbal on the tour after the minimum 1.
  2. + 100 points per kerbal on each landing after the minimum 1.
  3. + 300 points per additonal landing on each planet or moon + the bonus amount of points if it is one of the bonus planets. (Yes repeat landings are allowed and encouraged, however we're only counting the repeat if it's a different biome each time.)
  4. + 400 points for not using Mechjeb,


Base point counts (note: you need to get at least one of the things below to be considered)

  1. Bronze, land on every moon except for Tylo : 4,500 points.
  2. Silver, land on every planet except for Eve, kerbin (and jool obviously): 5,500 points. (Note, due to it's thick atmosphere, we are counting Laythe as a planet.)
  3. Gold, land on every planet and moon except for Tylo and Eve: 10,000 points.


  1. 15,000+ points: Savior of space travel

  2. 14,000-14,999 points: Legacy of the KSC.

  3. 13,000-13,999 points : Master of PR stunts.
  4. 12,000-12,999 points: [insert joke about Donald trump here.]
  5. 11,000-11,999 points: Wrangler of the Kerbol system
  6. 10,000-10,999 points: Award of engineering excellence.
  7. 4,500-9,999 points: Crowd pleaser
  8. The Constellation consolation prize 1-4,499 points.


Nothing here yet... Will you be the first?

P.S: Asteroid mining is allowed.

P.P.S: This is a big challenge, you do not need to post one giant image gallery, you can turn things in over time.

Edited by The Space Core
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Grand tour challenges pop up from time to time usually with different rules on how much docking you can do or ISRU stuff and scoring changes. I like most of what you have for the rules, they seem fair and the scoring is balanced. Though the "multiple landings" bit could be exploited by making many short hops with an ISRU ship. Maybe add "only counts once per biome" or "must reorbit between landings".

For example my Origin Grand Tour would not qualify for the challenge Spartwo linked to but it would qualify for this one, though you call what I'm doing "impossible" twice. (single launch and no ISRU). It would score 13250 points when it is complete. So far I've done Kerbin, Eve, Moho and their moons.

Edit: you changed the scoring while I was typing this. It would score 13600.

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Well butter me backwards and call me a crab...

I should clarify that kerbin landings don't count, (and your right about the multiple landings thing)

Were you planning on submitting your old one? If you want to post the pictures and I'll put the score on the leaderboard.

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Well butter me backwards and call me a crab...

I should clarify that kerbin landings don't count, (and your right about the multiple landings thing)

Were you planning on submitting your old one? If you want to post the pictures and I'll put the score on the leaderboard.

It's not complete. I only did Mun, Minmus, Eve, Gilly, and then I got stuck on Moho. Today I tried again and just barely made it back so my grand tour can continue. Also pictures are in the link in my signature if you want to follow the progress.

Edited by sdj64
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It's not complete. I only did Mun, Minmus, Eve, Gilly, and then I got stuck on Moho. Today I tried again and just barely made it back so my grand tour can continue. Also pictures are in the link in my signature if you want to follow the progress.

Looks neat, when it's complete just post the images!

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