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hey there,

I just got the full game after about a month of playing the demo version (couldn\'t spare the cash). This has to be one of the best games I\'ve ever played, looking forward to finally landing on the Mun and Minimus after trying to without the landing gear. I\'m really impressed by the improved textures and how v.15.2 doesn\'t seem to be as taxing on my pc as 13.3 was. Glad to be here and to be part of the community. :)

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Hi Cyclone159 and welcome to the community.

I remember landing with wings instead of legs, it wasn\'t that hard ;)

I\'m glad you\'re machine can handle KSP, one of the major support problems at the moment is out of memory errors, mainly from people with too many mods installed though.

Good luck landing on the Mun and Minmus, watch out for the extra low gravity of the new moon :)

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