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Q:How many M-50s is that?



It's so beautiful... :'(

I promised myself I wouldn't cry!


I'm guessing you couldn't get the 3-5x1 connector to fit with the engines on the side? How fast do those monsters burn through a tank? Or do they just detonate from overheating first?

Anyway, I'll need to grab this and try it out once I'm home from vacation. Out of curiosity, though, how hard would it be to tweak the .cfg to disallow fuel flow? I could see myself building something like SkunkMonkey or sirmonkey's designs, but with the center tanks rigged as a second stage, and I wouldn't want the lower stages mooching from the upper in that case.

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The 5x1 interferes, but it is possible to fit the square 4x connector under it for 16 total nozzles but the M-50s won't fit on it.

With 15 M50s, lifting off at 1/4 throttle, and increasing it to 1/3 mid flight, two 3m tanks lasted 37 seconds. One tank lasted 6 seconds at full power.

It's easy to block fuel flow though, just slap a SAS in after the decoupler.

I've also built one with 2 center fuel tanks, with the radials on the top tank, they won't feed from the lower tank so you can reserve it for a second stage.


Stage 1 is 4 rockets burning from 5 tanks. Stage 2 is 1 rocket and 1 tank.

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The 5x1 interferes, but it is possible to fit the square 4x connector under it for 16 total nozzles but the M-50s won't fit on it.

With 15 M50s, lifting off at 1/4 throttle, and increasing it to 1/3 mid flight, two 3m tanks lasted 37 seconds. One tank lasted 6 seconds at full power.

It's easy to block fuel flow though, just slap a SAS in after the decoupler.

I've also built one with 2 center fuel tanks, with the radials on the top tank, they won't feed from the lower tank so you can reserve it for a second stage.


Stage 1 is 4 rockets burning from 5 tanks. Stage 2 is 1 rocket and 1 tank.

I see your using the Estes parachutes, are they fixed now? I kept getting loaded but missing part while i used them. :l

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Doug, that issue with the Estes parachutes was the dreaded underscore error.

Check the configs to see if there are underscores in the name attribute. I think the author fixed that. If not, you can fix yourself. This means any existing craft you have using it will fail to load.


Capt'n Skunky

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I see your using the Estes parachutes, are they fixed now? I kept getting loaded but missing part while i used them. :l

No, that's a pic from before I noticed. They have been removed from service until the manufacturer's defect is fixed (IOW I'm too lazy to do it myself)

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It's because the game adds an underscore and instance number when writing craft files, 'sasmodule' becomes 'sasmodule_1' and 'sasmodule_2' if you have two in your craft. When loading, it assumes everything after the underscore is the instance number.


Capt'n Skunky

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The_BT is there any chance you might be able to make another set if these but making it so they can't draw fuel from any fuel tanks they are attached to? would be cool to be able to use both at the same time. i have an idea for a ship but the first set of engines suck all the fuel tanks dry on the entire ship.

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The_BT is there any chance you might be able to make another set if these but making it so they can't draw fuel from any fuel tanks they are attached to? would be cool to be able to use both at the same time. i have an idea for a ship but the first set of engines suck all the fuel tanks dry on the entire ship.

This is not possible at the moment I think, any decoupler will let fuel pass through it. But you can avoid the problem if you put sas directly under the decoupler, I built a ship that uses that, works fine. (Ship is attached)

I'm afraid thats the only way as of now... I'm looking into it though.

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This is not possible at the moment I think, any decoupler will let fuel pass through it. But you can avoid the problem if you put sas directly under the decoupler, I built a ship that uses that, works fine. (Ship is attached)

I'm afraid thats the only way as of now... I'm looking into it though.

ok cool i figured the SAS might stop it but i never tried. i'll give that a shot and see how it does.

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Yup, just tested it. Stuck a LFT under a command pod, strapped some of these to the side of the LFT, put engines on it and away it went.

Very cool!


Capt'n Skunky

No fuel flow on 0.9x4.

Also the attachment appears broken. 7-zip refuses to open it.

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Hi! I really love this part. I recently had an idea to turn it upside down, so parts attach at the top. I wondered if such a thing could be used to have extra fuel tanks around a main tank, feeding into it, that can be jettisoned when emtpy.

Is this even possible?

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Hi! I really love this part. I recently had an idea to turn it upside down, so parts attach at the top. I wondered if such a thing could be used to have extra fuel tanks around a main tank, feeding into it, that can be jettisoned when emtpy.

Is this even possible?

No and yes. In v.9 the stack decouplers dont allow fuel to flow through them. It can be changed in the cfg though.

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Doesn't matter if fuel flows through radial stack decouplers or not.

The reason is this:

Every part of a ship connects to something (with the exception of the capsule.) The game assumes that parts are always lower than what they are connected to, with no regard of the actual positions. The parachute is considered lower than the capsule for example. This is of no great importance most of the time though, it only matters when it comes to fuel flow. Fuel does not flow upwards. So if you put a single tank on a radial decoupler it will be considered lower than the decoupler wich in turn is considered lower than the tank it's attached to. The fuel from the tank will never flow up through the decoupler into the tank.

(Or so I think at least...)

Unrelated thought: I have not jet looked at stuff since 0.9 came out... if I now can disable fuel flow for the part, I probably should make two versions, and the one that transmitts fuel gets some visible pipes and stuff...

I will not disable fuel flow alltogether, if I do it will be a new part wich would be lighter and cheaper.

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  • 1 month later...

Necroposting? I don\'t know, but one thing I DO know is that this doesn\'t work with the latest version of KSP, 10.1, It gives some 'node not found'? error, and says the latest version of KSP is 0.0.0. I really like this addon, so can you please fix it? Thanks!

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