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No email!


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  • 3 weeks later...

No, you're not. I'm having exactly the same problem. I've created the DDH userid for the time until the problme is solved. I've even written a PM to KasperVld, which seems to be the wrong way to solve it. I'll write to the mentioned e-mail adress now.


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Thanks to Sal_vager, i can logon to the forum again and recieve e-mails on an alternate email account.

According to Sal_vager, email were sent to the original email adres, however i never recieved any. Two days ago, i tried to set my account to the original email account but again i did not recieve any mail. I'm wondering if it might have something to do with the underscore in my original e-mail account.

Would members with an underscore in their email please confirm here if they recieve emails from the forum?


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