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How do I avoid iluminating a probe's landing site?

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Hi, folks!

I have a question I could not find in the forums: on 1.0.4, I've landed a probe on Minmus and noticed that, even without ligths, the probe "illuminated" the area around it. I tried disabling some visual mods (DOE, TextureReplacer, PlanetShine, etc.) but did not succeed on disabling this...

Now, on 1.0.5, although I did not leave Kerbin yet, I've already found the same behavior...


Is that the result of a mod? Is that stock behavior? How do I disable it?

Can you help me?
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[quote name='Alshain']More likely one of the parts have a constant emissive. I know ladders do, I'm not sure why you would have a ladder on a probe though.[/QUOTE]

I understand about the ladders, but there are none on that probe. You gave some ideas, though, I'll rebuild this probe part by part and test it.

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It might be the bug mentioned, but I've only seen it after loading a flight - it won't follow a probe in flight for example, but when going back to it on a body's surface (the Mun, Gilly, the runway...) the light will be there.
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