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I was right about the MK2 and the Party Bus Express ran out of fuel too :rolleyes: ... To solve these problems I initiated the separation of each of their payloads

The MK2 drop ships made it most of the way to Dres at which point I had to dump their cargo of rovers and send the rovers individually to their destination ... 3 rovers are on an intercept trajectory to Dres and definitely have enough fuel to land and jump some craters with the 4th rover awaiting intercept burn with tons of fuel

I also had a total of 12 scanning comsats (SComs) on the drop ships so I sent them to Dres as well although, due to myself trying to be slick with a docking maneuver during a refueling mission, I smashed into the front of MK2 (and some SComs) and since discovered that 6 of the SComs are damaged and 4 of them have been rendered inoperable ... 8 of 12 SComs are on an intercept trajectory to Dres

As for the Party Bus Express, well since she ran out of fuel like the MK2 (both main ship cores are based on the same design) I dropped it's payload of 4 Party Buses and sent them on their way to Dres ... All 4 Party Buses are on an intercept trajectory to Dres but I'm not sure if I'll be able to land them safely as they burned about half their fuel en route (if I have fuel left in the Rainbow Bright or WITQ-1 after orbital insertion I can transfer it to the Party Buses if need be)

Both the Rainbow Bright and WITQ-1 had more than enough fuel to do an intercept burn to Dres and should have no issues with orbital insertion

Anyways, I present for your approval, the Setup for Dres encounter .... Otherwise known as the mess I made :cool:


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Somehow I managed to put Rovers #3 and #4, SComs #9 and #12 as well as Party Bus #4 into Dres Orbit ... 21 Kerbals in Dres orbit so far with another 59 en route

The rovers are gonna be trouble to get down to Dres but the Party Bus shouldn't have an issue ... I hope there aren't any casualties

This has become a massive and complicated mess ...........
.......... I love it :cool:

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Holy [REDACTED] its glorious!


Holy Kraken this is totally insane .....

Party Bus #2 and SCom #3 made orbit with no issues but the Party Bus #3 and SCom #2 both overshot their optimum Dres capture point while I was making sure that Rover #1 came in safe ... although in the end it didn't matter all that much and I did learn something about maneuver nodes

It seems that on occasion once you pass your node that the target on your navball will switch 180 degrees if you're constantly jumping around between ships (I'm thinking this occurs when a ship passes it's maneuver node while your controlling another ship) ... I learned this the hard way with SC #2 as I must have wasted 200 or so Xenon and a lot of time before I realized I was heading in the wrong direction

Anyways, I now present 5 more vessels with another 39 Kerbals inserted into Dres Orbit

59 Kerbals so far ... Canadian by the eye contracting at it's best

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SComs #7 and #11 are in Dres orbit now ....

I had to switch back and forth between the two as I was bringing them in since there are only solar panels on board each of them to charge the batteries that power the ion engine

Anyways, here is a detailed photo album of the maneuvers

And just so if anyone wants to watch how convoluted bringing in multiple ships is I recorded a video


I believe the Rainbow Bright is next ..............

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What in the [REDACTED] is that?!

I love it!


That's the mess I made :cool: ... Here's what I did to try and clean up the orbits a bit as I wait for SCom 4 to reach Dres in 17 days (Kerbal time)

SComs to around 100 Km, Party Buses around 700-800, Rovers around 500-600 and the Rainbow Brite to between 2600 and 2800 for now as she needs to enter a polar orbit below 300 to do a surface scan and make the SComs useful

4 ships left for orbital insertion around Dres: Scom 4, Rover 2, Party Bus 1 and the WITQ-1

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So all but the WITQ-1 are in orbit other than the 4 SComs that were rendered inoperable as well as the remains of the Party Bus Express, the MK2 and her drop ships

Me gots 80 Kerbals in orbit now

On another note, the Rainbow Bright has performed her surface scan of Dres and the SCom network is ready to be set up

I have 170 or 180 days left until the WITQ-1 hits its rendezvous point with Dres

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The SCom network is online

I think I will start setting up the communications network next ... I have 6 ComSats on the Rainbow Bright and one more on the WITQ-1 which is still almost half a year away but 6 will do till then

The Party Buses should have enough fuel to land although I may use the Rainbow Brite to refuel them seeing as she has a fair amount of fuel left

And the Rovers are going to be a bit of a tedious mess with a substantial risk of someone hitting the dirt hard ... It's a good thing Dres has such low gravity and that I stuffed 460 mono-propellant into each one, should be survivable :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Matfield Kerman has landed his rover in one piece on Dres ... just barely though

Unfortunately I don't think the other 2 rovers will make it down to the surface without serious risk to life as they do not have the fuel and will likely crash into the surface. However, I have a plan that might work .... Looks like there is gonna be a couple hitchhikers to be picked up by one or two of the party buses and they can hang onto the ladder on their way down :cool:

In the meantime it looks like Martrix needs a pickup since her rover is in pieces so Imma thinkin that should be Matfield's first mission on Dres

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Well they're not actually being sacrificed, more like they're expendable assets ... megots 2 Kerbals on the surface and 78 in orbit aboard various ships so one or two heading to the big Kraken in the sky won't affect the mission success one bit as I can still achieve what I intended with 2 less Kerbals if they die on the way down to Dres

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So I have Derdin Kerman holding onto the outside of PB3 and have just discovered that you cannot warp with a Kerbal on a ladder ... a little over 2 hours until I hit my next maneuver node to bring the PB3 into a 28K orbit in preparation for landing on Dres

what to do, what to do :confused:



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So Mima Kerman abandoned her rover and made it to Party Bus 1. She had next to no RCS left when she got there so there was a transfer of crew done and Jebediah took her place on the ladder (I did this because I can't have a Kerbal on a ladder during time warp and have to have enough RCS to get back to PB1 after drifting off during said warp ... Also Mima didn't look like she was enjoying the EVA)

I managed to just barely make it down safely although it was a hard landing and some of the wheels on the bus are now broken ... 19 Kerbals onboard + Jebediah holding onto the ladder ... 42 Kerbals landed on Dres so far :cool:

Going to see if the bus is serviceable but if not then it looks like the crater I landed beside is gonna be the first party spot 


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  • 3 weeks later...

So I discovered that I can repair the wheels on PB1 and considering that there are 20 Kerbals on board I figure they were able to repair them  ... 'The wheels on the bus go round and round' is what Jeb kept singing while holding onto the ladder

Thing is I didn't want to risk getting stuck or flipping the bus over driving down into the crater so I decided to send Rosen Kerman down into it by foot and found a hilarious way to save time getting a Kerbal down the side of a crater ... You can find a video of it HERE

Anyways, I have plotted the first crater on Dres by planting a flag and leaving Rosen there to keep the crater company


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  On 11/26/2015 at 12:22 AM, DoctorDavinci said:

The Rainbow Brite and SCom #1 have entered Dres Orbit ........
I know, it's a total mess around Dres :rolleyes:


So, what was this atomic element, again? I missed that detail. :D

  On 12/1/2015 at 1:40 AM, DoctorDavinci said:

Martrix Kerman has crash landed on Dres and survived


You know...
Trying to close the Flag Plaque button instead of the actual window close button is ALMOST as bad as trying to rotate pics of KSP on the internet by right clicking and dragging...

Guilty on both counts. :rolleyes:

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  On 1/10/2016 at 11:20 PM, richfiles said:

So, what was this atomic element, again? I missed that detail. :D


I call it Drestonium :cool:

  On 1/10/2016 at 11:20 PM, richfiles said:

You know...
Trying to close the Flag Plaque button instead of the actual window close button is ALMOST as bad as trying to rotate pics of KSP on the internet by right clicking and dragging...

Guilty on both counts. :rolleyes:


I think all us Kerbo-nots are guilty of this

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  • 9 months later...

This is awesome. I've been trying to pull something like this off: a large mothership with multiple pods and landers but it's hard to build and fly and I run into game bugs a lot. I haven't tried to utilize a cargo bay yet. I'm still very new to the game.

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