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Pride of Veere - 144 Passenger Hydrofoil 150m/s


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I think I love boating. Space? Where's the fun in that? As I push towards a Mach 1 capable hydrofoil I ended up with this little fatty...

With a starting fuel load as in the craft file you can expect a seamless transition from boat to hydrofoil without any control inputs, a 66% power cruise speed of c. 73m/s and a top speed around the 120m/s mark. You can play with single notches of trim to see how you can affect the speed, typically I don't trim more than one notch nose up.

If you take out or burn a bunch of fuel you will surpass 150m/s, you will probably want to experiment with nose down trim, but I've not yet seen it take off so we're still good.

If you fill the main tanks (ie those that aren't disabled) you can see a 66% cruise speed of around 62m/s and an endurance of c. 35minutes.

Passenger cabins for 144 Kerbals, plus 2 crew, each cabin's upper hatches are accessible.

1 toggles reverse thrust, and this thing stops on a dime. You can also use the air brakes that are built into the tail fins' controls, for finer braking. For low speed turning you'll need to manually toggle the thrust reverser for the outboard engines.
9 toggles the cockpit ladder
0 toggles the front ladder, if a Kerbal takes a swim.

NB: When putting her in the water, take it slow. Really slowly... Like 5m/s max. It's a boat, not a sports car.

[SIZE=3][URL="http://kerbalx.com/flipnascar/Pride-of-Veere---Hydrofoil.craft"]Download via KerbalX[/URL][/SIZE]


[imgur]mJ0OX[/imgur] Edited by FlipNascar
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