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ScriptKitt3h's High-Explosive Hangar (Pardon the dust!)

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Hi there! I"m ScriptKitt3h, and this is my personal craft showcase. Here you can find all of my currently available craft, their download links (orchestrated through Dropbox) and pictures of them in action.
Just as well, this serves as a great place for constructive criticism and feedback on my craft, to help me improve my builds into the future.

(This will be updated over time, and any craft missing from their DL folders or missing DL folders altogether should be considered under maintenance.) All craft are stock unless specified otherwise. Also, please report any performance issues you might have with a craft.


(The picture above is my personal flag, use it as you wish.)




This series of warships, fighters, and logistical craft are one of my specialties. From my old "S-X" line of vessels to my latest, cutting-edge "N-X"-series warships, I'll always be working to stay on top of KSP stock arms and armor technologies. Most, if not all, these ships will have my old "MU" prefix to indicate their militarized nature.

DL Folder: COMING SOONTM (Also, some craft will be only available upon request.)



All of my currently available surface craft, ranging from rovers and cars to boats and submarines.

DL Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/orkn63shk4fy71j/AADuUQwYW30DSArtNnRIE7Nga?dl=0


All my craft that are replicas of real-world and/or fictional aircraft, spacecraft, or vehicles of any sort. These may be more prone to breakage inbetween updates, but rest assured I always get around to fixing or replacing them.
DL Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/b5741o9rexgdbm2/AACBNyWhflQWPy-RuvfgVJcRa?dl=0


I should have the currently non-downloadable craft sorted and linked soontm, so please be patient. All craft that are going to be linked from here on out are only going to be ones that are stock (with the occasional BDArmory-equipped craft) and compatible with the latest full (non-pre-release) version of KSP, for simplicity's sake.

Edited by ScriptKitt3h
Updated OP and military section coming soon.
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Did a bit of testing on that VTOL (I'm calling it the Type-105 Calypso) from earlier- managed to do a passenger pickup off the back of my Arrowhead-Class Littoral Combat Ship (which will be put up on here once I've done some robust testing of how it handles at speed.):


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  • 4 weeks later...

Not dead quite yet...

Something that will be coming out in a large release of crafts soon, inspired by the Tachi from the TV show The Expanse:





Carries a crew of four, has a nice TWR for a ship of its type and can be loaded with up to 2 cargo modules or compact torps.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey script, any idea when you can upload the NX-1?


Not trying to sound pushy, but i have been waiting to see how the heck you built that amazing looking thing for like half a year :(...  And perhaps test its armor layout cause i kinda gave up on my own wedge builds as they were higher on part count, lower armor, and lacked structural rigidity further impacting the part count due to strut spam and well, bad armor.  Maybee your build will give me some ideas (not that ill actually copy it, just kinda stuck with ideas in terms of wedge builds which i really liked aesthetically, but never could make viable).


That is assuming you are still around...

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2 hours ago, panzer1b said:

Hey script, any idea when you can upload the NX-1?


Not trying to sound pushy, but i have been waiting to see how the heck you built that amazing looking thing for like half a year :(...  And perhaps test its armor layout cause i kinda gave up on my own wedge builds as they were higher on part count, lower armor, and lacked structural rigidity further impacting the part count due to strut spam and well, bad armor.  Maybee your build will give me some ideas (not that ill actually copy it, just kinda stuck with ideas in terms of wedge builds which i really liked aesthetically, but never could make viable).


That is assuming you are still around...

Yup, I'm alive and well. I've just had many things going on in my life for a while, and I've not been totally cold-turkey-quitting from KSP... just taking a break.

However, I'm still working on things, and I'm hoping to release craft soon (provided I can find the time to set-up everything and get my formatting right), but in the meantime, here's a look at something that I'm extremely excited about that I've been working on...


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Obelisk's done, but will likely be held for release until KSP's engine can handle a massive, 1000 part+ monster (hopefully post-1.1).


I also have a similar, more economical design derived from Obelisk, the NX-12 Monument.




This ship will likely see its craft file get released, since it is use-able in KSP 1.0.5 in terms of performance, and has a much better fuel efficiency (Obelisk runs on chemical fuel, Monument is a nuclear boat).

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5 hours ago, Iago said:

What's its armament?

3 compact guided missiles (1.25 meter, recessed into the hull). They're meant for mid-to-long range engagements, since close-range combat will likely involve more fighting between drones and fightercraft than capital ships.

For perspective, Obelisk also uses guided missiles in its weaponized variant (though it's more for looks and cargo capacity), and can carry 9 ASMs in 3 tri-cluster pods, or 3 2.5 meter missiles capable of being used for orbital bombing of ground targets.

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8 hours ago, Iago said:

So all of the new stuff will be built for multiplayer? Real time, I mean?


7 hours ago, Spartwo said:

A lot of us are preparing despite it likely being years away.

Most of  my newer craft are built with the design principles multiplayer-ready combat vessels would likely be based around, which is heavily based off of modern day armored warfare/air combat tactics-

1. Beyond visual range combat will likely be possible, so plan accordingly.

-Hence my usage of guided missiles on nearly ALL my newer craft, as well as 'chaff' (this being admittedly inspired by Vaos Human, but it still is a great idea regardless, as it reduces an opponent's ranged targeting capability).

2. Armor isn't totally worthless, but needs to be designed well, and not over-used, so as to preserve dV and agility.

3. Larger ships will likely be used against equally strategically important targets, and fighters/turrets/small in-close weapons/drones will handle close-range combat between larger vessels (this is also a guess, but it makes sense in terms of efficiency and from a "rule of cool" perspective).

4. A large variety of stock weapon designs exist, so trying to find ways to make your ship (or ships) a survivable as possible is a trade-off game: Do I want to make a tank, or a scout? Or,  perhaps box 'o missiles that sneaks up close in disguise and then dumps a load of said missiles into the nearest target?


I think that these are just a few things that'll likely make MP warships stand out from older ones, but those concepts work just as well in turn-based KSP space combat. I will say, though, that I hope SQUAD starts moving towards making official multiplayer a thing in the next "major" update post-1.1, since U5 will likely give them much more leeway for such a massive undertaking.

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So, I think I've fallen in love with this pyramidal/tetrahedral aesthetic...


A twin LV-909 VTOL dropship, with an internal "roll box" cockpit for two.


Has enough RCS/SAS control and TWR to easily hover on the Mun, or on Duna (pic's of an earlier prototype):


Hopefully I'll have this ready for posting in SE tomorrow, if not later today.

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Alot of ur recent ships seem to take their design elements from the old (pre alliance) AKS fleet.  I used alot of that style nose, with the main hull being a triangular prism (although i didnt taper down the rear and just left it as a flat triangle), and the nose being a triangular piramid just like your ships.  Ofc that was before i even had a forum account (and before i even owned this game since i played it at friends house), so you couldnt have been influenced by them :D.


Also, i hope you dont mind me disecting the helios.  Of every single ship (that wasnt insane part count and thus unusable in any battles) the helios is the BEST armor protection ive ever seen.  Ofc it tends to loose its external hull often, but id rather have that then instant poof debri cloud like many of my ships do on a catastrophic hit.  Need to figure out why that ship works the way it works despite having lots of bad design decisions like clipped fuel tanks.  I need to know the secret to survivable fuel clipping as any ship that i have which has clipped fuel just dies in a massive cloud of debris.  The helios is far more resistant to critical hits and while somewhat worse vs stuff like popper-H (my SK-CRV-IV is near impossible to 1 shot with those), its actually extremely solid armor vs SRM-6Ms (my new staple weapon which is relatively low part count and more then capable of splitting 90% of whats out there reliably).


Ohh, and plz download link to NX-1, i need to see how u made a wedge design that good looking (and hopefully armored too).

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I've been going back over some of the NX-series ships due to recent events, starting with the NX-1. While still standing as the epitome of what an NX-series warship should aim for in terms of style, function, and durability, it also had already started to become outdated (lots of room for improvements internally while I felt it needed some minor tweaks externally).

So, lo and behold, the second of the GEN2 NX-series ships (the first being the NX-12), the NX-1 GEN2!

Comes armed with the classic weapons package of 4 1.25 meter anti-ship missiles, plus an internally reinforced bow gun that fires ultra-high-velocity i-beams that also (due to some of SQUAD's latest in-vacuum heating tweaks) tend to cause incendiary-style damage on impact (due to a massive *puff* of lit separatrons coming off the high-speed rail that just hit the target ship). Crew storage space has room for 8, and the internal fuel supply has been increased to give it slightly better range on the internal tanks.


EDIT: Also, due to popular demand and a bit of nostalgia after watching the last battle in HatBat's KS video series, the Helios will get an Honorary GEN2 treatment.

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Ok, so I mentioned something about an upgrade to Helios, didn't I?


Presenting the all-new, fully-improved NX-H Helios GEN2! Now an honorary member of the NX-family of warships, the Helios has received a nearly complete rework of its internal fuel system (exact same shape and design, just swapped the tanks to pure LF), has had its older MK2 ASM EVOs repaired (updating to 1.0.5 messed up the structural tips a bit), and has had some minor upgrades like radiator fins, chaff probes, and some minor touch-ups on the outer hull done to make it ready for 1.1 and -hopefully- future engagements in live multiplayer combat.

More images of the GEN2 Helios:



This is coming... soontm.

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NX-15 Nova Gunboat- for when you really, REALLY need to blow up a ship with extreme prejudice in style. :cool:


The NX-15 is also the first ship to utilize the new "Barracuda" Micro Antiship Weapon (MAW) and the all-new MWS firing setup- a modular cannon that can be re-chambered into different munition types and capacities by swapping the firing module in one fell swoop.

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