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ScriptKitt3h's High-Explosive Hangar (Pardon the dust!)

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I think I've got a problem...


the ships just keep coming... :0.0:

In all seriousness, this is the NX-14 Vindicator Corvette, a 2-man warship designed to be the more functional modern-day descendant of the older NX-08 Wraith.


The ship is propelled by two LV-Ns, and comes armed in the standard package with 2 1.25 meter ASM Evo V2s (1.0.5-repaired version of the Version 1 ASM Evo missile) and twin i-beam lances in the bow.

The smoke is from the i-beams melting their jettisoned decouplers (the burning i-beams being the bright glowing object in the distance). This essentially is "muzzle flash+smoke" for the bow gun.

This ship and several more will be available for public download on this thread, and this (along with 2-3 other warships in my collection) will likely get their own SCE release threads as well.

Just please have some patience, I've got lots of stuff to manage, and I'm still working on new stuff 24/7 all the while. :P

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54 minutes ago, Spartwo said:

Hate to do this to script but if he can't find the time between this and his obligation to HatBat I already have a drop-pod carrier.

Don't worry- I take no offense, but I also won't be short on time most likely, I just have to finish up my current tasks in KSP for the time being.
That being said, HatBat and I are waiting for 1.1 somewhat since it'll simplify his workflow and give me a good target date for KS' new submissions thread and other such things.

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Made a lighter-weight ship based off of the NX-14 (which was in turn based off the NX-8 :D), I'm calling it the NX-16 Defiance.


Carries 4 of my new 0.625 meter "Barracuda" Micro Anti-ship Weapons in place of 1.25 meter missiles or i-beams, and is more of a defensive picket-ship style craft. However, for a ship lighter than its predecessor, it's actually slightly higher in part count from enhanced armor and a distributed fuel system.

Edited by ScriptKitt3h
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1 hour ago, Iago said:

And more lag-inducing, i'd wager?

No, not really. They're one part each, and don't weigh that much more than the normal medium docking ports.

Most of the "lag" (really more of a bug) issues with klaws got solved a long while back; they only were super-problematic right after release.

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1 hour ago, Iago said:

I have another question: Do you have any effective space to surface (of Kerbin/Laythe/Duna) or surface to space weapons?

Like kinetic bombardment or ASAT/ABM setups? Not as of now, though I bet my ASM Evo-series missiles could in theory be fired towards the ground from low orbit above a planet- they'd just have to not get burnt up on re-entry or spun about by aero effects.

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On 2/28/2016 at 10:40 PM, ScriptKitt3h said:


I know the proportions are all wrong, but that ship makes me think of one and only 1 vessel ive yet to replicate to any decent level myself.  Ofc you have no cockpit, but the engine layout is spot on.  That and you'd need to make it a SSTO since the one im thinking of could fly in space i think (well it has plasma guns so im assuming it could fly in space too if its weapons were that advanced).


Also, do you know what this is from?

Edited by panzer1b
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9 hours ago, panzer1b said:

I know the proportions are all wrong, but that ship makes me think of one and only 1 vessel ive yet to replicate to any decent level myself.  Ofc you have no cockpit, but the engine layout is spot on.  That and you'd need to make it a SSTO since the one im thinking of could fly in space i think (well it has plasma guns so im assuming it could fly in space too if its weapons were that advanced).


Also, do you know what this is from?

I'm afraid I don't know what that image is from... I just designed that prototype boostframe off of my own ideas.

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7 hours ago, Heckspress said:

Are you going to post those beautiful fighters that you posted in the WIP thread?


As a matter of fact, yes, I will be posting them (likely today (3/5) or tomorrow (3/6)) very soon. Hoping to release one initially and then add the rest to the new thread I'll have made for them, (as a pack of fighter aircraft) and then link to their posts and respective download links here.

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19 hours ago, ScriptKitt3h said:

I'm afraid I don't know what that image is from... I just designed that prototype boostframe off of my own ideas.

Fighter from Battlefield Earth...

Still trying to replicate that thing in a way thats low on parts, gets the proportions right, and even has VTOL/SSTO capabilities (as it did in the movie).



Anyways, as nice as all the new additions are, can we please get a download for the spaceships.  Id really want to dissect the NX-01 to see how you built it.  I already have a persist with it, but im having alot of trouble pulling the craft out of the persist (although its possible, painfully time consuming if the ship has more then like 50 parts).  That and id like to see the new helios (the original one which i still have has some amazing armor protection considering its part count, and it isnt too bad with the firepower).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think I might have developed a rival to the NX-05


The Krenko-class fighter shares many attributes to the NX-05 such as role, arnaments and propulsion but I speculate it may also be smaller and have a greater range (factoring in RCS)

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