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edX is starting a new program today!


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For those of you interested in spaceflight (I think that means most of you!), there's a new course starting today from edX.

It's called "From Goddard to Apollo: The History of Rockets." It's a three-part series on human spaceflight.

It's free, but if you want a certificate than you can pay some money. It's the same course either way.

They also have classes on other subjects, too.

Here's the link: [url]https://www.edx.org/course/goddard-apollo-history-rockets-part-1-ieeex-atg1-x#[/url]!

Mods: I thought that this would get the most views here, as opposed to the Space Lounge, where I know it belongs. I just want it to get more traffic so that users who don't normally visit the Space Lounge can see it, because they might be interested. There's a copy of this thread there. At the end of the day (when registration closes) can you lock this?
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