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[IMAGE THREAD] Post your dumb Spacecraft/Rocket Concepts Here!


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This is an imagethread for dumping your stupid/impossible/bad Rocket and/or spacecraft concepts.

I'll start.

Here is a proposal for a tourism rocket using solid fuel. This is before I realized that Solid Fueled Rockets would be bad for tourists due to the greater vibration.

This was the "Midline Evolution Versions" of the rocket. The Newtron-S is a solid-fueled Sounding Rocket.

Below it, is a "Milkstool", like those used for Saturn IBs during the Skylab Program. This was to allow the rockets to use the same infrastructure.

Newtron 1 is a suborbital tourist rocket, like Blue Origin's New Shepard, but only able carry a total of 3 using a single stage.

Newtron II is used for longer suborbital tourist missions, and carries 6 on a single stage.

Newtron III is used for 3-man orbital missions, and uses 2 solid fuel stages and boosters, but 2 liquid-fuel upper stages.

This was the "Final Evolution" version of the rocket- don't ask me what those things at the side of the 1st stage are- I don't know either, I made this a while ago. The engines at the bottom of the rocket are aerospikes.
[IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/2vubrfb.jpg[/IMG] Edited by fredinno
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When I was a kid I heard about the concept rocket that would propel itself through space using the shockwaves from nuclear bombs. Back then I somehow envisioned it taking off from a launchpad with a thermonuclear blast.

To be fair, the explosion [I]should[/I] send some of the rocket on an escape trajectory.
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[quote name='WestAir']When I was a kid I heard about the concept rocket that would propel itself through space using the shockwaves from nuclear bombs. Back then I somehow envisioned it taking off from a launchpad with a thermonuclear blast.

To be fair, the explosion [I]should[/I] send some of the rocket on an escape trajectory.[/QUOTE]

In an atmosphere, the shockwave would destroy the ship... either that or melt it.
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[quote name='WestAir']When I was a kid I heard about the concept rocket that would propel itself through space using the shockwaves from nuclear bombs. Back then I somehow envisioned it taking off from a launchpad with a thermonuclear blast.

To be fair, the explosion [I]should[/I] send some of the rocket on an escape trajectory.[/QUOTE]
You mean Project Orion? [url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Orion_%28nuclear_propulsion%29[/url]

It's not really ridiculous, considering you can make interstellar missions with things like this, but firing the drive from the ground is a bad idea.
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[quote name='kiwi1960']In an atmosphere, the shockwave would destroy the ship... either that or melt it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='fredinno']You mean Project Orion? [url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Orion_%28nuclear_propulsion%29[/url]

It's not really ridiculous, considering you can make interstellar missions with things like this, but firing the drive from the ground is a bad idea.[/QUOTE]

Incidentally, the Orion Project is rumored to have been justified by a steel plate cap that was blasted skyward, by the Pascal-B nuclear test, at six times escape velocity. Still, using nuclear weapons as a form of launch propulsion is a horrible idea, which is why it's mentioned as a "Dumb spacecraft/rocket concept" I had as a kid. :P
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I can't be arsed to draw it at the moment, but this:

1. Get big railgun
2. Put it in space
3. Instead of bullets, feed it a stream of liquid hydrogen.
4. The high current will turn the hydrogen into plasma, and due to the railgun being... a railgun, it will blast it out at ludicrous speed, providing a high thrust and high specific impulse as long as you can provide enough current.
5. Pluto in 5 days or whatever. Tell your friends to buy a telescope.
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That is exactly how [URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetoplasmadynamic_thruster"]magnetoplasmadynamic thruster[/URL] works, and we already launch it to space. Too bad that it requires a nuclear reactor to run it, as MPD thruster thrust is the highest between all of the electric rockets..
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[quote name='mythbusters844']Looks like SNC did it too:


They're sooo stooooooooooopeeeeed in thinking that it mitigates undesirable aero forces and stress during ascent. So stoooooooopeeeeeeed woooow[/QUOTE]

Dream Chaser- Cargo is unmanned, it doesn't need to abort. I assumed Pipcard's spacecraft was manned, so it needed a clear space to abort.

[COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Also, not my idea... but [url]http://nassp.sourceforge.net/wiki/Future_Expansion#High%20Orbit%20Parabolic%20Antenna%20Test[/url]

"In 1966 NASA asked Convair to research the use of Apollo systems to test out large scale space construction projects. One such project was the use of a[I] Saturn V/CSM combination[/I] to deploy a 100ft Parabolic Antenna into a synchronous orbit so that [B]the characteristics of the antenna could be determined under operational conditions.[/B]" [IMG]http://nassp.sourceforge.net/w/images/e/e6/ParabolicExperiment.png[/IMG]

Ah, don't you love the ridiculousness of 60's era spacecraft concepts...
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[quote name='fredinno']Dream Chaser- Cargo is unmanned, it doesn't need to abort. I assumed Pipcard's spacecraft was manned, so it needed a clear space to abort.[/QUOTE]
Soyuz launches inside a fairing, and also happens to be the only spacecraft ever to make a successful launch abort. It's not an inherently unabortable situation.
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[quote name='fredinno']
Also, not my idea... but [url]http://nassp.sourceforge.net/wiki/Future_Expansion#High%20Orbit%20Parabolic%20Antenna%20Test[/url]

"In 1966 NASA asked Convair to research the use of Apollo systems to test out large scale space construction projects. One such project was the use of a[I] Saturn V/CSM combination[/I] to deploy a 100ft Parabolic Antenna into a synchronous orbit so that [B]the characteristics of the antenna could be determined under operational conditions.[/B]" [url]http://nassp.sourceforge.net/w/images/e/e6/ParabolicExperiment.png[/url]

Ah, don't you love the ridiculousness of 60's era spacecraft concepts...[/QUOTE]

How is that stupid? That's ingenious.
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