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interplanetary travel

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i am trying to make interplanetary travel but there is a annoying problem, proper allingment of planets. I am wondering does everybody is waiting for proper allingment of planets or make the travel cuz sometimes it takes a lot of time to planets get proper allingment( its just boring) or is there mod which allows you to warp time really fast ?
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Welcome to the forums.
The reason why most people do alignments is to save fuel and get to locations faster. If I lined up with Duna I could get there in less than a year. If I don't align and fly into Sol orbit before I fly there I waste fuel and get there in 2 years.
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Hello and welcome to the forums!

You'll certainly receive advices from more experienced players, but I suggest you check [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24786-1-0-x-Kerbal-Alarm-Clock-v3-4-0-0-(June-27)"]Kerbal Alarm Clock (KAC)[/URL] it not only indicates when the next alignment (launch window) will be, but also allows you to set an alarm and warp directly to it (hence the name).

EDIT: Ops! Ninja'ed!
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Welcome aboard, zokantos!

It's true that waiting for a specific window can be fairly boring (especially for the outer planets where the windows are less frequent). There's not really anything to be done about it, unless you want to run other missions in the meantime while you wait.

Mod-wise, you might find [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85926"]Better Timewarp[/URL] useful for its higher warp levels.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Proper alignments allows for less travel time and reduced dv.  However it isn't a requirement.  You will just need to bring more fuel.  In my current career I sent a probe to duna by day 10.  Not as efficient as the window but a light weight probe is easy to add dv to.  My last career had me really working on cramming enough dv when launching at the worst possible time.  But I learned a lot about building better ships and managing dv.  So I would actually recommend trying it at bad windows to push your creative limits.

I am also trying to limit warping in this career to be better prepared tech wise for when the actual windows do come up.  Plus I've found it fun running multiple missions at once and finding small missions (kerbin observations or rescues) with the new jet tech to fill the gaps in missions.



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