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Hayfork on the water


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"Dear" SQUAD, can you just keep your promises at least once???
Half year!!! Half ♥♥♥♥ing year you feed us your noodles about 1.1 and what next?
Ofcourse, just delay it.

Seems that all of your work at 1.1 is just invent new excuses for delaying.
Bugs, incompatible code, holidays, anything to do nothing.
In devnotes you're saying that reason is a lot of bugs, but hold for a second...
When bugs stopping you from release? Right, never.
Or remind you about T-gauge memory leak in 1.0 which you couldn't fix for 2 month?
That's how you're fighting with bugs???

For a half year you can invent much better excuses...
But instead, you're not even trying with hope that players eat your noodles again and sit still.
And do not be offended of this message.
When you first saying about "Christmas release" i can deal with it and just wait. But now...
I'm full of rage!

You again proof your words as hayfork on the water.
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I personally have no problems with SQUAD delaying the release a bit to iron out all the bugs and glitches. I´d rather play 1.0.5 with fewer features but stable game than 1.1 that crashes every 5 minutes.

Also, in before lock :P

EDIT: And no, it´s not constructive. You´re just insulting the devs and you have no suggestions how to speed up development except: "Release a buggy game, now!"
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[quote name='Vegatoxi']Yeah.
One of the best.
...And one of the slowest.[/QUOTE]

No, not really. You're just determined to be displeased with them.

Although honestly I don't really care to read or attempt to placate another rant, I just came here to find out what "Hayfork on the water" was, and you have disappointed me.

Because I still don't know.
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Honestly, I'm more than satisfied with 1.0.5. By the time 1.1 comes out, I know I'll enjoy it because they took extra time to make it.

Besides, have YOU ever developed a game? Ever had to update it? It takes work to rewrite the entire backbone of the game. Cut them some slack.
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[quote name='Randazzo']No, not really. You're just determined to be displeased with them.

Although honestly I don't really care to read or attempt to placate another rant, I just came here to find out what "Hayfork on the water" was, and you have disappointed me.

Because I still don't know.[/QUOTE]

I'll be lazy and quote Randazzo ^^^

Exactly what I was thinking, but said better.
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[quote name='Vegatoxi']Dont even care.
It's fully constructively.

I want my 1.1![/QUOTE]
We have different definitions of "fully constructive", this is nothing but trolling. Locked.

Everyone else: Don't feed the trolls, hit the report post button and move along. Thank you to those who did so.
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