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35 minutes ago, KasperVld said:

Yes, you can simply select them in the editor, press control+c to copy and control+v to paste.

Hmm. It doesn't work in Chrome. But it did in Edge.

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9 minutes ago, r4pt0r said:

Thank you Kasper. I am going to compare the new look here to that episode of pokemon that gave kids seziures. It only affects like 10-15% of viewers, but for those who find it to be painful/uncomfortable, its is REALLY bad.

While I don't find it painful, it is just generally uncomfortable to read, so I'm looking forward to something coming of this as well. Maybe something with tighter spacing, too? The extra mobile-friendly whitespace between posts and threads is just awkward for me to track with.

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6 minutes ago, longbyte1 said:

sorry can't put images inside spoilers thanks to WYSIWYG

Sure you can. First insert the image, then mark it (single left click) and press the spoiler button.





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8 minutes ago, longbyte1 said:

Here's a screenshot of the old forum in case you feel a bit nostalgic (sorry can't put images inside spoilers thanks to WYSIWYG):

Clean lines, borders around every section(and shadows too), smaller tight font, it has more than 2 colors... I miss you <3

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7 minutes ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

Question for @KasperVld Why doesn't the list of threads in the list of followed content have a "Go to first unread post" button?  And why doesn't it list the followed threads by last post in them?  Thanks!

The "go to first unread" button is the start or circle to the left of the thread title. The omission of sorting options is strange indeed - a good piece of feedback for IPS :)

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By the way, do you seriously call this a good transfer? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126031-amrsd-applied-mad-rocket-science-division-taking-requests-new-home/

Just now, KasperVld said:

The "go to first unread" button is the start or circle to the left of the thread title. The omission of sorting options is strange indeed - a good piece of feedback for IPS :)

Alright, thanks!  I might just have replies to followed threads give me a notification then.

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24 minutes ago, KasperVld said:

The "go to first unread" button is the start or circle to the left of the thread title.

Whoever thought that was good interface design deserves to be taken out back and beaten with a clue-by-four. (Someone at IPS, I assume.) Who the heck expects to click on what looks like a bullet point???

Edited by cantab
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25 minutes ago, KasperVld said:

The "go to first unread" button is the start or circle to the left of the thread title.

Not in the list of followed content it's not.

And while I'm complaining about things the new forums should have but don't, I've noticed a distinct lack of forum settings. There is, for example, no way (as far as I can tell) to change the number of posts per page.

Edited by DaPatman
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1 hour ago, KasperVld said:

Yes, you can simply select them in the editor, press control+c to copy and control+v to paste.


Thanks! I think it's been a weekend well spent - even with the unforeseen issues that happened when hundreds of people started using the forums all at once. The current performance is much better than we started out with, thanks to excellent support from IPS (who make this forum software), Multiplay (our webhost) and all the people who let me blow off some steam in the past few days :P


The call for a different theme has been received, but high quality forum themes don't grow on trees. I'll bring it up in my next meeting.


You can follow threads (there's a follow this button on the top right hand side of the page), then you can simply use the "Threads I Follow" activity stream to stay up-to-date :)



You know, you guys could MAKE your own custom theme, nothing like your own unique touch to the forum style. Just preview it with people first. :)

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Just now, smjjames said:

You know, you guys could MAKE your own custom theme, nothing like your own unique touch to the forum style. Just preview it with people first. :)

Ahh yes, but when it comes to work time, time is money too!

Just now, Raptor831 said:

Well, I have to say the new forums are pretty good, IMO. Thanks KasperVid (and everyone) for the hard work.

And thank you and the rest of the community for being awesome day in day out ;)

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53 minutes ago, longbyte1 said:

Here's a screenshot of the old forum in case you feel a bit nostalgic (sorry can't put images inside spoilers thanks to WYSIWYG):


Hahaha - shows you how much time I spent on the old forum... there I am, the fifth on-line user!

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1 minute ago, KasperVld said:

Ahh yes, but when it comes to work time, time is money too!

Well, just something you guys could keep in mind as an option.

Also, for the record, the main difference in theme between this one and the old one is that the old one had a bit of contrast and wasn't pure white while this one is glaringly white with things that are poorly contrasted (light grey on white? Come on) which is just hard on the eyes.

Also, any way to make this wierd 'double space when you press enter' thing go away?

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Thanks for all the hard work on the migration. I expect there are lots of behind-the-scenes improvements, such as security, that we are now enjoying. From a user (avid lurker, mostly) point of view the new system does seem to be a big step back in terms of visuals. Rather than just whine I thought I'd  present the things that worked so well in the old system:


It would be great if these features could be reintroduced.

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