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Serious 'Core Overheating' problem

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Ok so I am completely lost on what to do at this point. I have a ship that I leave on mun drilling for ore, go back to space center, build another ship and bring it out to the mun to join the ship that is already there drilling. Once the existing ship is about 2km in distance from new ship, I get a message saying Core Overheating - shutting down; and the entire ship explodes. Or if it doesn't, the entire thing is red hot and several parts will explode, crippling the ship. I have radiators everywhere, wayyy more than what is needed to cool the drill.

AND this even happens if the drill isn't even running! I can have the drill fully retracted, the ISRU shut off, the whole ship shut down, and it still overheats and explodes every single time...

Anybody else experience this or have any ideas?

Edited by iyzik
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Yes, if the craft is all stop parts, and you don't mind uploading, we can give it a try. It might also be useful really if you have the save file right before getting within range (just before the explosions happen). The save file is probably the best to be honest.

Good luck!

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The ship is not stock, it has parts from KAS, KIS, and OPT on it. And the MechJeb module.

I'm at work right now but I will upload when I get home in a few hours. I am also gonna try removing the drill and testing if it still happens, if it does I'll remove the ISRU and try again. Just to kind of narrow down where the problem is arising from.

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When I first played 1.05, I was at a point where the mission I was on was a massive costly failure. So I went back hoping to find an older quicksave where I still had money. What I found was that many of my old quicksaves were just pieces of ships and planes flying through the atmosphere. I'm quite sure I didn't save them that way. Did you set up this mining installation in a previous version of KSP?

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Ok so I just did a bit of testing.

I landed a version of my craft that has no drill and no ISRU and no ore containers on minmus. Went back into SPH and launched another version of that craft with ONLY an ISRU and ore containers. This time once I got in range of the craft already landed on minmus, nothing exploded and everything went normally. Landed the two ships right next to eachother. One with no mining equipment at all and one with only an ISRU. Then I grabbed a little satellite and took it down to where the two ships were landed, once they were in range of loading, the ship with no mining equipment at all overheated and exploded, although this time it didn't display any message, just exploded. I landed the satellite and grabbed another satellite and did the same thing. Again the ship with the ISRU only didn't explode, nor did the satellite sitting on the ground next to it.

I have no idea what's going on.....

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Did some more testing and have narrowed it down to exactly which parts are exploding; when the ship loads in the distance I can see the explosion but when I get close enough to actually see it in detail, the only things that actually exploded were every single RTG and every single Solar Panel. Also every radiator I have is maxed out on temperature and red hot. It's almost like when the ship loads, every part that can radiate temperature gets set to max temperature which causes the RTG's and Solar Panels to explode since they can radiate heat.

Anybody have any ideas?

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