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Kernal Exception errors

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Hello All,

Wondering if anyone has had issues with the game crashing and showing unable to recover from Kernal exception using a Geforce GPU.  It seems many people have had this issue with various games and may have something to do with the drivers.  I am currently using a few MODS such as Astronomers Visual pack so I have to use Open GL and I think this is the main cause.  

If there is any quick fixes to this issue that would be awesome.  I just built a new machine a few weeks ago and was really hoping to take Kerbal to the next level as far as gameplay and graphics, but I cant last much longer than 1 minute without crash.  (Fallout 4 has never had a crash in 30+ hours of gameplay)


System:  Windows 10 64 Bit


i5 4690K

Cheers guys! Thanks for any help you can give me!



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Sorry to tell you this but openGL is not supported on Windows, it is a Unity engine override, not Squad code.

You could try running KSP normally, some players have "fixed" this by running KSP without -force-opengl then once it's working have gone back to using it without further issue.

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