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Is this alternate solar system possible?


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If this is actually an alternate version of the Kerbalverse (instead of our real universe), then you can relax on making your universe possible and just follow basic Kepler orbits while putting in whatever you like. It's already known that Vall and Bop get ejected from the Jool system in a matter of a few years in n-body simulations, so even the official one is quite impossible.


Plus, the 1/10 scale makes interplanetary and even interstellar travel MUCH quicker and easier. But then again, most Kerbals don't seem to mind being strapped in a Mk1 Command Pod for centuries, either...

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10 hours ago, RocketOuthouse said:

If this is actually an alternate version of the Kerbalverse (instead of our real universe), then you can relax on making your universe possible and just follow basic Kepler orbits while putting in whatever you like. It's already known that Vall and Bop get ejected from the Jool system in a matter of a few years in n-body simulations, so even the official one is quite impossible.


Plus, the 1/10 scale makes interplanetary and even interstellar travel MUCH quicker and easier. But then again, most Kerbals don't seem to mind being strapped in a Mk1 Command Pod for centuries, either...

This is a version of our solar system, not KSPs. We did put some KSP objects in there though.

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Can there be a near-Earth asteroid that has a very high metal content? Like 16 Psyche?

I propose a binary (like Pluto-Charon) asteroid system of metal type like 16 Psyche. The primary being named Hephaestus and the second being named after me. And there are bubbles inside both with survive pressure inside (?). 

Edited by Findthepin1
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40 minutes ago, Findthepin1 said:

Can there be a near-Earth asteroid that has a very high metal content? Like 16 Psyche?

I propose a binary (like Pluto-Charon) asteroid system of metal type like 16 Psyche. The primary being named Hephaestus and the second being named after me. And there are bubbles inside both with survive pressure inside (?). 

Yes, you are bascially describing the latest version of the Earth-Luna System, with a small, M-type Asteroid Moon.


And no, I will NOT name it after you- I'm pretty sure ChrisSpace wouldn't approve, once he comes back from his vacation, that is, and I honestly see no reason why he should- there has not been any kind of contributions by you, anyways.

Edited by fredinno
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32 minutes ago, ouion said:

The planetary masses please?

Coming, but in a larger update than I originally intended- with the solar system 100 percent complete, aside from Nibiru, and the Rouge Oort Cloud Planet.


Just ask what masses you would like, and I'll get them down to you manually. 

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Good news! I'm back!

No, it doesn't require generation ships, with durations lasting over 70 years, but you would still need some sort of nuclear fusion or fission drive to get there, and a huge amount of life support and equipment. I would think that growing food aboard the spaceship, for example, and LOTS of debris shielding from an impact at high speeds would be necessary. Also, the journey times are still long enough that the astronauts have a good chance of never returning, depending on the power/ efficiency of the interstellar drive, and the age of the astronauts. By the time their mission is complete, they will have aged at least a decade or two, minimum.

I never said it would be easy, but concepts of Orion-powered starships have existed since the 60s. With modern tech later on it could all be possible.

I'm fairly sure ice Giants the size of Aether are not possible, but I might be wrong. The largest ice giant discovered is 3x Neptune's size, so I'll have to do some calculations.

To get a feel of how big I imagine Aether to be, just think of Uranus and Neptune being merged into one planet.

Oh yeah, and I destroyed Saturn's iconic rings due to gravitaional interactions with Enceledous, due to the moon being so big. Problem?



It's definitely less popular than the Oort cloud planet, though.

Huh, never knew about that.

Coming, but in a larger update than I originally intended- with the solar system 100 percent complete, aside from Nibiru, and the Rouge Oort Cloud Planet.

I look forwards to seeing it.

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12 hours ago, ChrisSpace said:

Good news! I'm back!


12 hours ago, ChrisSpace said:

I never said it would be easy, but concepts of Orion-powered starships have existed since the 60s. With modern tech later on it could all be possible.

... the main problem is financial-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5zSWQwpjPg

Who would pay for that, and why? The rest of the Solar System should be enough for the next few thousand years.

12 hours ago, ChrisSpace said:




To get a feel of how big I imagine Aether to be, just think of Uranus and Neptune being merged into one planet.

Still on the upper end of Ice Giants, but ok. Planning to put Europa around this one- I had quite a woosy rearranging its moons in an order that I liked.


12 hours ago, ChrisSpace said:

Oh yeah, and I destroyed Saturn's iconic rings due to gravitaional interactions with Enceledous, due to the moon being so big. Problem?






And here i was, thinking you would be all likedarth-vader-no.jpgand demand I do something about it. Oh well, that makes my job easier then, I guess.


12 hours ago, ChrisSpace said:


It's definitely less popular than the Oort cloud planet, though.



Huh, never knew about that.

...You know, the more you know, the less you WANT to know, because then you can create fantasies of solar systems in your minds without facing their cold, hard realities.


12 hours ago, ChrisSpace said:

Coming, but in a larger update than I originally intended- with the solar system 100 percent complete, aside from Nibiru, and the Rouge Oort Cloud Planet.



I look forwards to seeing it.

Could you look at the last version though (not sure if you did, but you really seemed to have surprisingly few problems with the addition of Uranus or Pluto.)

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6 hours ago, fredinno said:

Who would pay for that, and why? The rest of the Solar System should be enough for the next few thousand years.

I'm not saying it would happen early on, but I am saying the technology would exist early on. And it wouldn't be used for this for a while.

6 hours ago, fredinno said:

And here i was, thinking you would be all likedarth-vader-no.jpgand demand I do something about it. Oh well, that makes my job easier then, I guess.

I'll do some simulations in Universe Sandbox to see if there is a way around this. If there isn't, I suppose we can get the rings and move them somewhere else.

6 hours ago, fredinno said:

...You know, the more you know, the less you WANT to know, because then you can create fantasies of solar systems in your minds without facing their cold, hard realities.

This is basically the central theme of this thread.

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2 hours ago, ChrisSpace said:

I'm not saying it would happen early on, but I am saying the technology would exist early on. And it wouldn't be used for this for a while.

I'll do some simulations in Universe Sandbox to see if there is a way around this. If there isn't, I suppose we can get the rings and move them somewhere else.

This is basically the central theme of this thread.

"This is basically the central theme of this thread."

...And is also the reason why it's 9 pages long.:D


"I'm not saying it would happen early on, but I am saying the technology would exist early on. And it wouldn't be used for this for a while."



"I'll do some simulations in Universe Sandbox to see if there is a way around this. If there isn't, I suppose we can get the rings and move them somewhere else."

We might be able to get Ouion or SilverSliver to help for this- though I'm not sure the latter is still involved.


... I'm assuming you have no problems with Uranus and Pluto in this Alternate Solar System, then, I guess? Or Triton for that matter?

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1 hour ago, fredinno said:

... I'm assuming you have no problems with Uranus and Pluto in this Alternate Solar System, then, I guess? Or Triton for that matter?

So long as they get along with all the others i'm fine with having them around.

EDIT: I've just done a 365-day-long simulation of a moon-sized Enceladus to see how it would affect the rings and other moons of Saturn. The results are quite surprising: It doesn't. Well, It did have a minor effect on the nearby moons of Mimas, Tethys and Dione, but the rings didn't even notice.

Edited by ChrisSpace
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2 hours ago, ChrisSpace said:

So long as they get along with all the others i'm fine with having them around.

EDIT: I've just done a 365-day-long simulation of a moon-sized Enceladus to see how it would affect the rings and other moons of Saturn. The results are quite surprising: It doesn't. Well, It did have a minor effect on the nearby moons of Mimas, Tethys and Dione, but the rings didn't even notice.

Huh. I did it conservatively, because these things need to exist for billions of years- maybe the rings could be kept (especially since it could be created by the death of a large moon, but I was planning on adding them to Uranus. You know, to make it more interesting.


Even small gravitational disturbances in moon's orbits are bad, on the grand scale of things, because this would likely have screwed up the moons form forming in the first place- not to mention those moons might eventually sling out at a later part of the simulation we can't get to.


So, I'm sticking to my original plans.


OK, thanks with Uranus. It definitely gets the short end of the stick in terms of interest- just like in IRL.

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3 hours ago, Yrjosmiel said:

(insert JB's song tune)

Jokes aside, I'm meaning that the properties and ideas are great, but a different name will be better.

Ask ChrisSpace with suggestions. I'm not the one who does that.

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1 hour ago, silversliver said:

I'm back too,

After I fixed what I have to.

I have Venus and Eros ready, I only need details about the surfaces, so let's start with another 9 pages of topic about this.

Eros is a S-type asteroid, I'm 90% sure.


Venus is a desert planet with a Earth-like, but lower O2 concentration. It also has large volcanic plateaus, though there is little snow and ice due to a sheer lack of water. The water is concentrated in small oasises, groundwater, and possibly salt lakes.


Venus' composition should be like most other terrestrial planets in the solar system, (like Earth).

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1 hour ago, fredinno said:

Venus is a desert planet with a Earth-like, but lower O2 concentration. It also has large volcanic plateaus, though there is little snow and ice due to a sheer lack of water. The water is concentrated in small oasises, groundwater, and possibly salt lakes.


Venus' composition should be like most other terrestrial planets in the solar system, (like Earth).

I imagine Venus would look a bit like this:


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27 minutes ago, ChrisSpace said:

I imagine Venus would look a bit like this:


A. pretty sure that's tatooine,

B. it should have a more varied terrain, venus has a large amount of mountians and canyons, and the clouds  would be longer due to high wind speeds

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3 hours ago, insert_name said:

A. pretty sure that's tatooine,

B. it should have a more varied terrain, venus has a large amount of mountians and canyons, and the clouds  would be longer due to high wind speeds

Of course it would, but this probably was the closest he could get.

And there would not be high wind speeds because 1. That's the primary reason for Venus' retrograde rotation, and would screw over Eros pretty quickly.

2. Life would be screwed due to the winds' force.

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9 minutes ago, insert_name said:

would eros be that brown considering it should have lots of volatiles?

No, we changed it to an S-type asteroid-due to its location, which makes C-types uncommon. But even those S-types are generally grey. Hopefully, it will be changed, as brown often means the presence of thoilns on the surface(made from volatiles on the surface, something that would evaporate long before Eros becomes a moon.


TL:DR; Eros needs to be greyer.

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