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Dos my tower pc need upgrading?


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Hi i was woundering if my specs need to be upgraded i think i had my tower pc for a few years now.

My tower specs

Geforce GTX670 PNY brand

8GB of usable ram


Win10 pro


And are these pc addons any good for a casual vehicle sim fan?

CH Pro Throttle


Ch Pro Rudder Pedels


Track ir



Sorry for the big font link i am kinda new to the font thing.And any tips about my questions?Thanks for helping.


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Here's what you need to do:

- Go to your Windows search bar at the bottom left, and type in "dxdiag", hit enter.

Edit: I was going to have you paste all the info into a spoiler, but apparently those don't work anymore, so just look for the line that says "Processor" and copy down what it says there.  Then, flip to the "display" tab (top right of window) and copy what it says in the "device" section (left side of window).  This should give us the info we need.


Edited by Slam_Jones
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