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Self destruct?

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Not 100% sure (maybe someone can help me out here) but I think that real (unmanned) rockets have the ability to be remote-control exploded to prevent them from crashing into things if the launch vehicle is not going to space today.

Is that the job of the range safety officer? Anyway, could be a cool part to be able to add to your rockets in case of emergency - don't want that orange tank landing on the VAB! 

Could also be fun for role play - make a base on the mun, pretend you're a super-villain, pretend James Bond has infiltrated, initiate self destruct 

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Yes in the USA its the range safety officer.

I like the idea - make at an abort option and I am fine. I would like to see - if used - to let fuel tanks (excluding liquid fuel in space and RCS & Xenon fuel in general) and engines to explode instantly - the rest only if that happens due to phyiscs.

Edited by Nuranon
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I would also like to see this in the game at some point. It could be implemented as an action group action available for the larger tanks, or as a surface mount part that destroys the part it is attached to. A demolition charge part could also be used as an advanced decoupler for more complex designs.

Some kind of debris parts would also be a great addition to the game, could have a few different sizes that are spawned when a part is destroyed and larger pieces can break into smaller pieces (down to a limit to prevent too much lag). That way craft don't disintegrate into nothing when destroyed.


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