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Help needed changing an origin/pivot point in Blender

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Ok, so I'm new to 3d modelling, and I'm working on a complicated part in Blender. I have a .dae model that I grabbed off the net, and I want to incorporate it into my Blender model.

I've imported it, rescaled it, oriented it, but then I realised, its gonna be a rotating part, and the person who originally modelled it, has the origin point offset OUTSIDE the model...

So I need help "resetting" the origin point...

You can see below the origin point is close to 0,0,0, but the point I want to change it to is where the cursor is...in the very center of the bottom face...




Edited by Stone Blue
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You're almost there!  In object mode, in the 'Tools' panel in the top left, there's a  button to 'set origin' and one of the drop down options under it is 'to 3D cursor.'  So get the 3D cursor right where you want it in all three directions (the numeric entry panel is a blessing for that), and then click that button!

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Ahhhh....OK... I thought that might be it... The only problem is, when I select the main object, Set Origin doesnt appear... Its weird, becuase when I select the main object, it ONLY shows Object Mode...NONE of the other modes are present...
Oh well... I guess I try setting EACH section of the object then... (There's only like 25... :( )
Arrrgggg... The price of grabbing someone else's model off the net, done in a different program, AND when you dont know WTH your doing yourself... lol

Thanx @artwhaley!!


PS- By the way, MY name is Art...lol

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Yes... I have "group_0" selected in my screenshot... I tried "Select" & "Select Hierarchy" both...

So, what youre telling me is, that there is an origin point set for each CHILD object, but not one for the PARENT? Hmmm... If that is so, then what happens when the children all use different points?... It seems there would have to be one point for the parent, for the whole thing to reference from?

Edited by Stone Blue
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The parent is an empty, you can't do much with them. I only use those as place holders for transforms in Unity. I would try creating an cube or something and putting it at the same coordinates as the empty then try switching the children to that, might work. 

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There's no reason an empty can't be the object parent...  You could create ANOTHER empty at the right pivot location and make IT the parent of the group_0 object.  Sorry, I didn't look at your image to realize it was an empty object before I recommended the 'set origin' button.  

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On 12/12/2015 19:33:05, Stone Blue said:


Yes... I have "group_0" selected in my screenshot... I tried "Select" & "Select Hierarchy" both...

So, what youre telling me is, that there is an origin point set for each CHILD object, but not one for the PARENT? Hmmm... If that is so, then what happens when the children all use different points?... It seems there would have to be one point for the parent, for the whole thing to reference from?

No that's not what I said. I just sait that the origin of an empty object can't be moved alone, the whole object have to be.

On 13/12/2015 08:29:59, artwhaley said:

There's no reason an empty can't be the object parent...  You could create ANOTHER empty at the right pivot location and make IT the parent of the group_0 object.  Sorry, I didn't look at your image to realize it was an empty object before I recommended the 'set origin' button.  

yes exactly that

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5 hours ago, Hary R said:

No that's not what I said. I just sait that the origin of an empty object can't be moved alone, the whole object have to be.


Yep, the term "origin" is less meaningful since an empty object has no size, so its position is the origin.

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