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Super excited! Duna operation!

Der Anfang

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Hello. I have been playing this game for about a year now, and not once have I seriously landed or orbited anything around any other planet in the game. Up until now. Playing career, and I had this plan that if I established a presence in the Duna/Ike system, I could use it as an outpost for other interplanetary missions. At least for the outer bodies beyond Duna. So far, my plan is to first establish a mining operation on Ike, using an orbital station around that to help refuel interplanetary vessels and such. After that, I might build an orbital station around Duna itself.

So far, I got the mining packages of my station in orbit around Ike and am already mining it, and I've already sent a lander onto Duna, which is now in the process of returning some nice fresh science back to Kerbin. It gets old after a while farming Minmus and Mun dry of science to complete your tech tree, after all.

It has taken me a bit too long to seriously touch another planet, but my plans are finally coming to fruit. I'm super excited, and I will share pictures after I deploy more orbital station packages. :)

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Congrats... I've also established Duna-Ike as a fueling base... doding the same thing for Gilly now.... and Val... and Laythe...

And I'm also thinking about sending "beefier" ISRU vesses to Ike, and bigger fuel depots...

Yea... you can see where this is heading... first Duna, then the entire solar system!

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4 hours ago, Francois424 said:

I plan to do the same thing from Pol (Jool's moon) in 1.1 as a base for the Outer Planet's Mod.

Congratulations !  The view can be quite spectacular if the base is well positioned on Ike =)

Yaaaay. Pol got more love today.

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Well, it seems that my Duna mission has slowed down and I will have to wait for almost a whole two years before I can deploy anything else to the red planet. For now, I have this to share.


For now, I decided on taking a bit more of a brutal ambition by sending three Kerbals to Eve to set up before landing on the purple planet. You can follow my ambitions here.

Edited by Der Anfang
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