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community fixes


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so in as political a manner as possible, i want to broach an important subject that needs (in the opinion of he who knows nothing) discussion.

can people who do community fixes for fan-favorite mods (glares intently at the KW folks) and the people who are in actual control over the links on the front page of those particular mods (shifts glare to whoever is in charge of KW's page)  work together so that community fixes are added to the mod and made into an update? i recognize mods are hard, i know i couldn't ever hope to write anything, but as a user and layman, i find the hunt and peck approach to finding fixes or updates to be a tad tedious and difficult, leading to the end result that simply don't use the mod and lose play experience and therefor, selfishly, become outraged (outraged desk flip gif). so could there be a system or just general rule of practice that mod owners include active links to fixes and such? idk, maybe i just need to learn how to internet better but maybe i speak for a silent percentage of players also.


while I'm on the subject and have the floor and all that, can i also ask, why can't we manipulate .cfg files the same way anymore to make wonder engines or something? i recognize it was 'cheating' but when you're just dickin' around it was nice to be able to make a space plane or rocket that broke every law of physics. again, maybe I'm just code illiterate but i can't figure this kraken out anymore

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Frequently, the reason that community fixes are necessary is that the people who created the mods (and their threads, and thus control the original posts) are no longer active, so coordination is impossible.  Moderators can edit OPs; sometimes, if someone makes a totally new release thread, moderators will add a link to it in the old thread's OP, but I've never seen them do the same for patch fixes (though I have no idea if they've ever been asked to do so -- I've never requested it myself for any patches I've made).

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galactictaco, I've always felt the same... I've been (manually) keeping a spreadsheet for over 500 mods since 0.23 or before... So I defiantely feel your pain...

Especially since 1.0.5 hit.... I think Squad's fast turnover time between releases has finally cuaght up with a lot of the major, and long-toothed mod devs, as burn-out...

Lots of great mods havent been updated since 1.0, or 1.0.2 (also eyeballlin' KW :) )... Again, for good reason, people are getting burnt out having to work on mods and updates, instead of probably even getting time to play the game... I'm sure it doesnt help when you have hundreds of people screaming for immediate updates and bug-fixes...

With 1.0.5 bringing lots of changes, and it basically being a hold-over version till 1.1 which is gonna be one MAJOR update, probably like never before, I'm sure devs are just holding out till it drops and do major mod updates then, instead of wasting time for 1.0.5 fixes... Unfortunately, i think I see a LOT of mods being dropped, or changing hands, due to having to be basically re-written/modelled due to 1.1 coming... :(

I can see where some community fixes, or even forks, may or may not get incorporated into mods after that, but I'm sure some devs have their own ideas and directions they want to go with future updates... Also, like Kerbas said, when a mod gets abandoned, there's no real way to tell right away that it HAS been actually abandoned... So yeah, you dont get co-operation there...

Anyway, I guess my post is pointless, other than to just say I agree with you and completely understand...
I guess my advice is just, when you come across these situations, the best thing to do is post on the mod thread, asking for clarification on the issue... I guarantee, you dont have to feel stoopid doing so, because I know there will someone else who is wondering the same... If you'll notice, I probably irritate mods quite a bit, since I'm always asking for clarification on fixes, updates, links, forwards/backwards compatability, or unclear items in the OP...
I know its helped me when I come across these posts from other people....

Edited by Stone Blue
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