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Just thought I\'d stop by and say hello. Trying not to be a stranger on these parts.

So, let\'s cut to the point.

I\'m Norway174, I obviously live in Norway.

And my main interests are gaming and programming.

Although, I don\'t program any games yet. I want too, but I\'m still learning (self-taught too btw).

This was the last year of school for me. So next week I\'ll be out of school and unemployed.

That\'s about it. I\'m always glad to make new friends, so feel free to PM or email me.

Also, KSP looks awesome. :D

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Hi Norway174, welcome to the community.

KSP\'s plugin system may interest you if you know a little C# as you can do some amazing things with a bit of code in this game now.

Autopilots, robotics and fully functional vehicles are just a few of the things that the plugin system is capable of.

Maybe you\'ll think of something to add to the game? :)

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Awesome, didn\'t know those in the Carts plugin where fully functional vehicles...

Also, my main language is VB.net, unfortunately, so I don\'t know a whole lot about C# and C++.

Microsoft really got me confused in the beginning. But that\'s another story. :P

And wish I could afford the 15$ donation to get the game atm, however. I\'m totally broke.

But I do plan is buying/donating ASAP when I get some $$$, which honestly I have no idea when.

But hope fully soon, can\'t wait to test some of the newer functions and plugins.

And thanks for the welcome.

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