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ESIs of KSP objects


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I can't find a calculator on the Internet on which I can calculate the ESIs of exoplanets. In particular, I want to know the ESIs of Eve, Kerbin, Laythe, and Duna. Where can I find a good calculation tool for this? Or does anyone already know them?

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7 minutes ago, Findthepin1 said:

It doesn't tell me which variable is which characteristic of the planet.

The formulation is a product, each term depends on one characteristic of the planet and its reference value (Earth's).

Also, ESI depends on radius, density and escape velocity. Considering the unrealistic characteristics of KSP's planets, the ESI you will find will be extremely small, even for Kerbin.
You'd be better off calculating the "KSIs" of KSP's planets, changing the reference values to Kerbin's; or maybe use x64 or another rescale mod's sizes for planets' ESIs.

Edited by Gaarst
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