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FAB - Forward air base


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Gidday all, you smarter than me guys....

I have got to grips with making helicopters that fly really nice. The most fuel load I got to was 900 unit of  LQ fuel. So the range was just over the western hills from KSC (200km ?).  So, I was thinking I need a deployable forward air base to land and re-fuel. Some thing like a land based aircraft carrier, but...

- needs to be relocate able to selected LAT/LONG and on the ground at ground level.

- needs to auto load fuel for the landed craft. not, a miner type of thing, and perhaps not a docking port.

-not to big, say an 8x8m square with a H on it. May be a redone SpaceX landing platform??

I tried to make one using the relocation gadget that says it will place you on the beach from the SPH. this keeps exploding on me, can not get the height right...?

So, any thoughts welcome. It will be the only way to fly around Kerbal to see the anomaly's by helicopter.


regards, Algwat

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OK, a flat base would be good.

But I made a tanker that I will parachute into locations close to projected empty tank time and distance. and fly to these targets.

And use the small docking port.....               So, no need to bust to many brain cells....:)


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Also for loading fuel, I suggest parachuting in a tanker truck, a fuel tank with wheels and a klaw, plus probe core and solar panel.  Avoids all the finicky docking, just klaw onto the helicopter and transfer fuel.  I use this for my Minmus mining bases. Or KAS :)

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Thanks RingKeeper and Jetski,

I'll try the claw tanker option, and look at how Kerbin Side works.

This is the concept using flat lander tech panels, perhaps the logic of having the helicopter skids or wheels on the tanks can be coded to make a fuel connection for transfer.


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