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My Mun ship

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Hey guys! This is my first (semi-succesful) rocket designed to go from Kerbin, to the Mun and back to Kerbin.The reason for which it is semi-succesful is that I simply can\'t land (on the Mun) and I can\'t come back to Kerbin. All because of the lack of fuel! And I want to minimize the use of extra liquid fuel tanks, for weight and aesthetic purposes!

EDIT:(pics added)




My data:

KSP 0.15

Mods used:

Advanced Decouplers

Lunar Lander Parts

Nova Punch Remix Pack (Demo friendly version)

C7 aviation pack with the experimental release.

I would like if someone could accomplish my objectives (go to the Mun and return) and (if possible but greately apreciated) post a video on how you did it. Or simply write the instructions.And if you used any other mods could you list them?

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