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Reusable Two-Stage Mun Landers

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We have many challenges about reusable, single-staged, and/or airbreathing vehicles. This one is about the viability of reusable multistage transport on a non-atmospheric body, the Mun.

Create a lander consisting of two parts A and B.
Part A must hold one or more kerbals, all in pressurized modules. Part B must contain some fuel and at least one engine.

Neither A nor B may disassemble themselves any further.

There are two ways to perform the mission, "ascent first" and "descent first".

Ascent first:
Launch from the Mun. While suborbital, detach part B and have it land back at the launch site. Reach a 10-km circular orbit with A. Demonstrate reusability by landing A at B's location and docking the parts back together.

Descent first:
Deorbit your lander from 10 km over the Mun. Detach B and have it reach a stable orbit. Land with A. Demonstrate reusability by taking A to a rendezvous with B and docking the parts back together.

Screenshots of the following are required:

  • initial orbit, if Descent first
  • craft's initial mass
  • situation just before splitting the craft
  • part A after circularizing or landing
  • part B after landing or circularizing
  • craft's final state after docking
  • final orbit, if Descent first

Your score is the whole lander's full mass (tons) divided by the number of kerbals transported. Lower is better. No refuelling, teleporting or cheat menus during the mission. Information mods are allowed, active autopilots are not. Only stock parts or their equivalent rescales.

My attempt:


1. SchweinAero: 1 kerbal, 1.76t, score 1.76

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