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How far did you get in Realisme Overhaul?


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Wondering how far everyone got in RO.

What did you archieven? Man on the moon and back? What planets did you reach? Anyone planted a flag on mars and brought the kerbil back alive? Pics are allways nice :).

Or is there allready a thread like this?

I just orbitted the moon. Gonna try a probe landing on the moon next. Then the handshake in space I guess.


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Welcome to the forums, CitizenVeen. Have some rep.
I'm guessing English isn't quite your native language? (Sorry if it is)

Anyway, I have gotten to orbit in my career save, but that's about it. I haven't really tried anything beyond that. Anyone who lands on the Moon is an RO god in my eyes. It's like be new to the game all over again.

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I've sent a probe to orbit Neptune (did a direct launch into a solar escape trajectory with a PE burn just above Neptune's atmosphere to enter orbit) - plan to start a new career in 1.05 and try for some crewed missions to mars and perhaps some moons.

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I've done an unmanned lunar landing, but currently I am setting up launch vehicles and comsats for communication in LEO, then I will set up for lunar habitation. I'm trying to start with 50's to 60's tech, but it's hard. Too many new engines I can use.

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10 hours ago, NathanKell said:

I've gotten as far as Mars but I generally stay in LEO, with occasional Moon shots.

Very impressive mission! How much DeltaV was required for the entire mission? (from LEO)


16 hours ago, Sequinox said:

Welcome to the forums, CitizenVeen. Have some rep.
I'm guessing English isn't quite your native language? (Sorry if it is)

Nope its not, so no offence taken, also, having a phone set to autocorrect in my native language doesnt really help... :)

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4 hours ago, CitizenVeen said:

Very impressive mission! How much DeltaV was required for the entire mission? (from LEO)


Nope its not, so no offence taken, also, having a phone set to autocorrect in my native language doesnt really help... :)

Haha. It's no big deal. I can still understand you.

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I got as far as Mars, but lately I've been obsessed with piloted missions to the Moon, I'm trying to optimize my craft and develop vehicles for a permanent presence on the Moon with an eye to returning to Mars. The thing I like to see most from other people's missions is pictures with numbers, so here are some of my highlights...

An early mission to Tsiolkovsky crater, this was before I used limited ignitions and ullage so is a bit simple.

Here's my Mars mission, dang was this a lot of work (but mighty fun to finally succeed at). RO has allowed me to really understand why a piloted Mars trip is so much harder than a Moon mission. I used an opposition-class mission for a quick boots-and-flag run, but I swear I will be back in force someday!

Here are some of the things I've flown to the Moon recently. Yesterday a flew my newest 2-person-to-the-Moon transport to Mare Moscoviense, I've got to put that at the end. It will be used to rotate crews and resupply the Moon hab.

I would enjoy a thread that just shows piloted RO missions, right now I dig through old NASA and NASA-supplier papers for ideas, but I love seeing what others have done. But I don't know if many are made. Check the "MIssion reports" subsection of the "KSP Fan Works" section in this forum every few days. And of course the RO discussion thread.



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Mostly just the Earth-moon system. But I did flyby Jupiter once. It was a failure and it ended up being a very distant flyby. It's been awhile since I played RSS. Not sure what I'm waiting for exactly. Maybe for the stock system to get boring. But with the new KSPRC that's not happening anytime soon. I'm also waiting for RVE to mature a bit. Can't bring myself to play RSS without it. I'm a graphics whore and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

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6 hours ago, PLAD said:

I got as far as Mars, but lately I've been obsessed with piloted missions to the Moon, I'm trying to optimize my craft and develop vehicles for a permanent presence on the Moon with an eye to returning to Mars. The thing I like to see most from other people's missions is pictures with numbers, so here are some of my highlights...

An early mission to Tsiolkovsky crater, this was before I used limited ignitions and ullage so is a bit simple.

Here's my Mars mission, dang was this a lot of work (but mighty fun to finally succeed at). RO has allowed me to really understand why a piloted Mars trip is so much harder than a Moon mission. I used an opposition-class mission for a quick boots-and-flag run, but I swear I will be back in force someday!

Here are some of the things I've flown to the Moon recently. Yesterday a flew my newest 2-person-to-the-Moon transport to Mare Moscoviense, I've got to put that at the end. It will be used to rotate crews and resupply the Moon hab.

I would enjoy a thread that just shows piloted RO missions, right now I dig through old NASA and NASA-supplier papers for ideas, but I love seeing what others have done. But I don't know if many are made. Check the "MIssion reports" subsection of the "KSP Fan Works" section in this forum every few days. And of course the RO discussion thread.



Wow. That manned mission to mars looks very nice. Good job sir!

Have you sended probes to other further out planets? Maybe try to land a probe on one of jupiters moons? Or even further ? Are you playing carreer or sandbox? Do you use mods that add engines apart from RO/RP-0?

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CitizenVeen- Thanks!  I've sent probes to all the planets, but only in a cheaty way- I test out Flyby Finder by Hyperediting unrealistic probes into orbit and then doing a series of flyby missions to make sure FF is set up right. I even did an Earth-Venus-Earth-Earth-Jupiter run that way. But right now I'm fixated on piloted missions and the technology just doesn't exist to get people past Mars/Venus. At some point I might cheat a better H2 boiloff rate and use Porkjet's nuclear mods to get to Jupiter. Already from my Moon missions I can see that Hydrogen is the key to the Solar System. I played one short career-mode game but am now only sandbox. I only use RO-approved engines.

NathanKell- That was a superbly detailed Mars mission!

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Realism overhaul is the best :)
I've sent probes in orbit around Neptune, Europa, Ganymede. Flew by Saturn. Sent a lander on Venus.  
Sent a couple rovers on Mars. One of them climbed Olympus Mons (400 km ride).
I did a manned moon landing fully in first person and returned (that was extremely fun, thanks rasterpropmonitor and TrackIR).

I'm currently in the process of a manned Phobos mission with a centrifuge, with an explorer vehicle and a rover in Valles Marineris that has a sample return rocket to be intercepted by the main phobos spacecraft. 

I did a manned return mars landing mission in RSS a while ago, but not RO yet. I had TAC life support, deadly reentry, FAR etc but I was using "cheaty" stock ion engines though. Looking forward to do that in RO soon. 

If you guys are interested I can post some screenshots when Im back home :)


Edited by M@.
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I've put a satellite in orbit and, probably more impressively, built some really nice planes. Unfortunately, the full RO/RSS/RP-0 stack is very unstable on my MacBook Pro (crashes every few scene transitions) and terminally unstable on my iMac (I installed it, then tried to start; it crashed three times while loading before I gave up), so it's hard to work up the enthusiasm necessary to actually play at all. I'm hoping 1.1 will help. Really hoping, at this point...

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Launched sounding rockets to altitudes exceeding 500km (I've forgotten what the upper limit I hit was), put one capsule into orbit and watched it get incinerated on reentry, but never made another attempt. I played with RP-0 installed and I got burned out on the grind of "Launch Sounding Rocket to X altitude"/"Fly at X altitude at Y speed" to get enough cash to put together a mission I actually wanted to do.

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I did a proper RP-0, RO,RSS career in 1.0.4, but it sort of broke down when I reached the limits of RP-0's tech tree (at the 90 science nodes, corresponding to about 1965. The larger engines were out of place ect.

Otherwise, I sent probes to Jupiter and Saturn, landed on Venus ect.

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2 hours ago, NathanKell said:

@Workable Goblin are you using rbray's Dynamic Texture Loader? That should help some.

No, though I guess I might give it a shot. The big computer is unstable even with a lightly modded (no part packs) install for some reason, whereas the laptop is rock-stable with a similar setup. By all logic it would be the other way around, but something is cancelling out the advantage of having a dedicated graphics card, a more powerful and less thermally limited CPU, and half again as much memory (sure, either way it's way more than the 32-bit limit, but in theory it ought to help accommodate other programs running...). The best guess I have is that it's the resolution bump, but even then it's strange...

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On 7-1-2016 at 7:19 PM, Randazzo said:

Launched sounding rockets to altitudes exceeding 500km (I've forgotten what the upper limit I hit was), put one capsule into orbit and watched it get incinerated on reentry, but never made another attempt. I played with RP-0 installed and I got burned out on the grind of "Launch Sounding Rocket to X altitude"/"Fly at X altitude at Y speed" to get enough cash to put together a mission I actually wanted to do.

With what difficulty settings and mods did you play?
I play with RO and RP-0, all mods (although with build times disabled, the 'challenge' didnt add any fun for me, just more waiting during fast forwards), and never had to do any missions for cash. You can build some simple rockets to get all science at earth, then accept contracts for missions at the moon. The upfront cash you get for them is more then enough to build the rockets to go there. Then you should have plenty left.


On 7-1-2016 at 3:34 AM, M@. said:

Realism overhaul is the best :)
I've sent probes in orbit around Neptune, Europa, Ganymede. Flew by Saturn. Sent a lander on Venus.  
Sent a couple rovers on Mars. One of them climbed Olympus Mons (400 km ride).
I did a manned moon landing fully in first person and returned (that was extremely fun, thanks rasterpropmonitor and TrackIR).

I'm currently in the process of a manned Phobos mission with a centrifuge, with an explorer vehicle and a rover in Valles Marineris that has a sample return rocket to be intercepted by the main phobos spacecraft. 

I did a manned return mars landing mission in RSS a while ago, but not RO yet. I had TAC life support, deadly reentry, FAR etc but I was using "cheaty" stock ion engines though. Looking forward to do that in RO soon. 

If you guys are interested I can post some screenshots when Im back home :)


The mission fully first person sounds like a very neat idea. Screen of your missions would be very nice!

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1 hour ago, CitizenVeen said:

With what difficulty settings and mods did you play?
I play with RO and RP-0, all mods (although with build times disabled, the 'challenge' didnt add any fun for me, just more waiting during fast forwards), and never had to do any missions for cash. You can build some simple rockets to get all science at earth, then accept contracts for missions at the moon. The upfront cash you get for them is more then enough to build the rockets to go there. Then you should have plenty left.

Dunno, Normal perhaps? Build times enabled, research buy-in costs enabled. I needed money more for structure upgrades and part purchases than for building rockets.

Here's the log I kept for awhile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9n2lc9j6esor63c/realcareerfunds.txt?dl=0

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I've been recording my RP-0 progress in Ijkslander Space Program; my biggest achievements thus far are landing a probe on the Moon and getting probe fly-bys of both Phobos and Deimos.  I haven't yet sent crewed vessels beyond LEO, but that's partly because Kappa-Ray makes that extra-dangerous.

Also, check out the ribbons I've made for RSS, a convenient way of answering the question in the thread title!

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Made a manned moon landing, and turned a Mars orbiter with 3k delta-v left into a mars lander (unmanned). Going to do some outer-planet probes and a Venus lander next, then try a Manned mars mission.

On 1/7/2016 at 4:04 PM, TruthQuark said:

I did a proper RP-0, RO,RSS career in 1.0.4, but it sort of broke down when I reached the limits of RP-0's tech tree (at the 90 science nodes, corresponding to about 1965. The larger engines were out of place ect.

Otherwise, I sent probes to Jupiter and Saturn, landed on Venus ect.

RP-0 has more nodes filled out now - a ot of 500-100 science nodes have materials especially with the near-future mods. I just unlocked the SSME at a 1000 science node (I think, maybe 600).

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On 1/10/2016 at 2:58 PM, CitizenVeen said:

The mission fully first person sounds like a very neat idea. Screen of your missions would be very nice!

Here's screenshots from my moon mission, Ill post the other missions later ! 

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