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[SOLVED!] Clickable IVA Props?

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Hi all,

I'm trying to make a simple monitor that will change the picture when you click on it. I know how to change the picture, but thus far I can't figure out how to detect the mouse click on the monitor. I know it can be done; Raster Prop Monitor lets you tap on buttons and they do stuff. Here's my setup for the monitor:


As you can see, I've added a box collider. I've tried setting it to a trigger and just leaving it as is, but to no effect. I've also set it to trigger and put the collider on the Part Triggers layer, but that didn't help.

Below is code I adapted from Raster Prop Monitor's SmarterButton class. I can find the ScreenTrigger no problem and add the ButtonClickWatcher, but still cannot detect the mouse click.

    public class ButtonClickWatcher : MonoBehaviour
        protected bool mouseDown;

        public void OnMouseDown()
            mouseDown = true;
            Debug.Log("FRED OnMouseDown");

        public void OnMouseUp()
            mouseDown = false;
            Debug.Log("FRED OnMouseUp");

    public class InternalScreenSwitcher : InternalModule
        public void Start()
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight == false)

            Transform trans = internalProp.FindModelTransform("ScreenTrigger");
            if (trans != null)
                Debug.Log("FRED found trigger transform");
                GameObject goButton = trans.gameObject;
                if (goButton != null)
                    ButtonClickWatcher clickWatcher = goButton.GetComponent<ButtonClickWatcher>();
                    if (clickWatcher == null)
                        clickWatcher = goButton.AddComponent<ButtonClickWatcher>();
                        Debug.Log("FRED created click watcher");

This is what I found from Unity Script. It looks like I'm setting up the behavior correctly. Any ideas why I'm not able to detect the mouse click?

Edited by Angel-125
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4 hours ago, Hary R said:

A wild guess, shouldn't your collider in unity set to" is trigger"?

Yup, already tried that. I set it to Is Trigger, left the layer on Default, and set it to Is Trigger with the layer set to Part Triggers. Both cases don't result in detecting the mouse click.

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