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Changes to the way recovery works (also buying parts)

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Hello all

I recently started playing this game, and I must say that it's amazing, even though I feel it's not yet 'finished' (and hopefully it will never completely be). One big thing that has been bothering me is how vessel recovery works. When you land your ship safely on Kerbin, you click the big recover vessel button and you get some money for the parts. However, i think it would be much more fun if instead of only having those parts in money, you had the parts themselves (maybe stored somewhere around the KSC?). These are my suggestions:

  • Have a sort of inventory for parts at the KSC (a 'part hangar', or something like that).
  • When recovering a rocket, send all the used, but safely recovered parts to this part hangar. You don't get money for the parts (maybe just for fuel?)
  • When building new rocket choose between old, used parts (which may be not so stable anymore, adds an extra dimension of difficulty to the game) or new parts.
  • Be able to sell old parts for money. (sort of salvaging)

I'd like to hear what you guys think about this, and maybe what you have to add to this :)

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You may wish to try the mod `stagerecovery` which does some of what you want, If used alongside "Kerbal Construction Time" from the same author then you can put old parts into storage for use on new craft (it reduces the time needed to build a craft) It also gives you funds for unused fuel.

Some form of recovering stages would be nice in the stock game.

Edited by John FX
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Depending on how you look at it, In effect the stock system does let you 'reuse' parts.  You get cash credited for recovered parts which then pays for the next one so it's effectively 'free'.  So, in game play terms, it's the same as using the same one again without the added complexity of storage and having multiple places to get parts from.

What some of the recovery mods do is calculate whether or not dropped stages would reach the ground safely if they leave physics range (and would normally  get deleted automatically), by taking into account what parachutes etc ate fitted, and give you credit for them as if they were recovered normally. 

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