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Sending data with RemoteTech?

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So I'm new to remotetech and I'm playing on career normal settings.


While I was in a high elliptical orbit (71,000 and 200,000) I only had a couple of hundred delta V left and decided to send the data I got from my experiments but when I tried to send it, it said that I didn't have a transmitter though I did have a comms DTS M-1 onboard. I do not have a relay system yet.

Do I need a special antenna for transmitting data or do I need a relay system?

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With RT, you have to be able to draw an unbroken chain between a shp and KSC itself (not just Kerbin).  If the ship was orbiting Kerbin with the parameters you mentioned, then it was within range of the DTS antenna.  But you have to make sure the antenna is aimed at Kerbin (as a cone) or at KSC itself (specific target), AND KSC has to be on the same side of the planet as your probe so there's a line of sight between them.  And, of course, you need enough battery for the transmission.

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Also, I assume this was a crewed ship, or you would have been unable to do anything at all, not just data transmission issues-- i.e. the ship would be completely dead and uncontrollable. In RT you need the command chain not just to transmit data, but also to control uncrewed vessels.

Just a cautionary note to avoid losing probes.:wink:

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The problem mentionned by Toukie Toucan, is real. Few day before i didn t have this problem to transmitting data but after a complete reinstall and upgrading all the mods i had before ( no one left) i cant now transmit data. 

More, when i build rocket on the 1.0.5 , after add the survey antenna, when i place an an antenna the notifications at bottom righf said " they re no transmission antenna" mo matter the model i place on it. 

I replace all the mods one by and now i cant say that the problem is not with module manager but with the <u> remote tech folder </u> only. Once this folder is present, you can't see anymore the green beam for survey but only the yellow link of remote tech.

The developer must correct this bug.

Now i m looking for and alternative to remote tech , i like this mod but this bug stop everything


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