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Quick Noob Question

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So I\'ve read that the game only uses one object for collision calculations.

What I\'ve noticed in blender is that it\'s possible to join objects together into seemingly one object.

What I want to know is, does this mean that a node_collider can be more complex than a simple box or cylinder? Or does it not work like that?

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Yes and no, mostly no.

The old .DAE importer only allowed for one convex collider which had to be named node_collider. Combining multiple colliders into one object to create a more complex collider would therefor not work since it would no longer be convex.

The new unity parttools on the other hand allows you to create multiple colliders either by giving more meshes mesh collider components (this is what the old system did with your node_colliders) or by creating default unity colliders within the scene itself, bear in mind that they still have to be convex.

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