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I dont know how fast my craft is travelling

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Just at the top of the Navball, it gives your surface speed (when near the surface) or orbital speed (when near orbit). You can click to toggle between them.

The speed given is the speed along the prograde/retrograde axis, so even when it gives the "surface" speed it is the sum of your horizontal and vertical vectors rather than being simply your horizontal speed along the surface. The difference between "surface" and "orbital" speeds is therefore just due to the rotation of the body your speed is measured in reference to (i.e. Kerbin, while within Kerbin's Sphere of Influence).

Edited by Plusck
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3 minutes ago, Plusck said:

Just at the top of the Navball, it gives your surface speed (when near the surface) or orbital speed (when near orbit). You can click to toggle between them.

+1 to Plusck's explanation.  In case you're wondering "what's the difference?":  it's because the planet is rotating.  For example, if you're standing on the equator (e.g. at KSC), your surface speed is zero (since you're not moving relative to the surface), but your orbital speed is around 200 m/s (because the planet is rotating, and that's how fast the ground is moving at the equator).

In general, surface speed is relevant when you're trying to land on something (because you want it to reach zero when you touch the surface).  Surface speed is also relevant if you're flying in a planet's atmosphere (because the air is stationary with respect to the ground, so your surface speed is also your air speed, which is important for flying planes).

Orbital speed is relevant for, well, orbit.  Basically any time you're not in atmosphere and not on your way to landing.


By the way, one additional place you can see your speed:  when you're in map view, the velocity is displayed by the icon for your ship.

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