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Few questions for you guys

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Hi there.

Please tell me guys is it possible to make pod with wing "lift" quality (non modular).

Is it possible to make some kind of caps on holes on my model I can somehow disintegrate if I want to, It can cover the shoot or something, hardware whatever (disintegration similar to fairings maybe?)

Is it will include tons of coding or something? Answer me please good sirs, fine sirs. Have a wonderful day, night, whatever you having there guys.


PS. My questions is not about modeling..more like about setup or something, is that right tread  even? Jeeeee

Edited by candyperson64
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Im not sure. But a prime candidate would be the modulejettison or whatever its called(it is the module that is used to detach engine fairings etc.) I think sumghai(or was it somebody else?) did some experiments with using it for realchute parachutes with detachable covers. But i dont remember what the issues where that caused that approach to be abandoned. It would be a cool effect tho.

Edited by landeTLS
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9 hours ago, candyperson64 said:

Please tell me guys is it possible to make pod with wing "lift" quality (non modular).

Haven't tried modding myself yet, other than config edits.. but I think the Mk2 cockpit is an example of a pod that integrates lift. I know I've at times had Kerbal surrive a ginormous Mk2 spaceplane explosion in just the pod.. and managed to land it because it glided surprisingly well.


Just looked at the part cfg of the Mk2 cockpit, it includes the following that I think does what you ask:

		name = ModuleLiftingSurface
		useInternalDragModel = False
		deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.6
		dragAtMaxAoA = 0.1
		dragAtMinAoA = 0.03


Edited by swjr-swis
inserted module code
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On 11/01/2016 at 7:35 PM, candyperson64 said:

Is it possible to make some kind of caps on holes on my model I can somehow disintegrate if I want to, It can cover the shoot or something, hardware whatever (disintegration similar to fairings maybe?)

The answer to this question depends on what exactly you want to cover with the caps:

 - If the item you want to hide is simply a parachute and nothing else, the stock ModuleParachute module supports a parameter called capName, which is the name of the 3D mesh in your model that you want to discard the moment you trigger you parachutes; basically, you will need to model your pod in Blender with separate 3D meshes for the pod fuselage, the parachute canopy and the cap itself.

 - If the item you want to hide is not a parachute (e.g. engines, RCS thrusters, solar panels, science sensors), things are much much trickier. You will most likely need to make separate fairing parts, and use a combination of the stock ModuleCargoBay module, and the ModuleAnimatedDecouplers module from @Starwaster's AnimatedDecouplers plugin to properly handle aero occlusion for shrouded items. This is what I did for my SDHI Service Module System side fairings.

PS - The correct shortening of "parachute" is "chute", not "shoot".

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