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Planet Ideas And Names For The Future Of Kerbal Space Program

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I know there's probably about 100 of these, this is what I think the new planets should be like posts, but i'd like to voice my opinion considering a lot of the posts here are talking about ridiculous worlds with a 1000 g's of gravity and death comets. Frankly i'd like just something simple that emulates the real solar system with a few cool changes. So here's my proposal for GP2, GP3 and beyond.

Gas Planet 2 (Saulper (saw this name on another post and thought it was good)): Orbits at roughly twice the distance of Jool (~120 billion m.) with no orbital eccentricity. Would be as defined by Nova and look like in the wiki. Would also have three main sets of rings (With lots of little one in between), as compared to Saturn's two and have 6 moons.

Moons: From innermost to outermost

Daphne: Like Nova proposed, but with a small spelling change and orbiting inside the gap between the outer two main rings. Extremely difficult to reach due to the orbital dance you would have to do to reach it and avoid the rings.

Eeloo: Like Nova Proposed, but it now orbis just below a wispy outer ring fed by Eeloo's geysers

Potatus: Like Nova proposed

Fonso: Like Nova Proposed

Aeon: Minuscule (11 km.) fun retrograde orbiting asteroid that is otherwise not very special besides being a god of Eternity in Kerb Mythology

Kalbur: Mimas equivalent. dark gray medium sized moon that is just large enough to be spherical, with classic single huge impact crater

Japetus: Equivalent to Iapetus, slight eccentricity to the ecliptic, also a reference to a great book. Known for it's large inclined mountain range that encircles the Ike sized body. A tiny captured asteroid named Clarke goes around Japetus along the same plane as the mountains in a tight orbit, some scientists think the mountains keep it stable. Some Kerbals psychics have also claimed to have visions of a multi-km. high monolith on Japetus's surface, but they have been dismissed as crazy.

Gas Planet 3 (Varune(named inspired by Varuna, Hindu God of the Celestial Ocean)): Dark teal blue gas planet roughly 2000 km. in radius. Orbits at roughly twice the distance of Saulpur (~250 billion m.) Known for its brilliant shiny ring arcs that orbit at various heights, great dark spot in the northern hemisphere and it's network of four moons.

Moons from innermost to outermost:

Carbos: Bumpy coal black moon that orbits in a tight circular orbit around, only about 100 km. above the highest ring arc. Slightly smaller than Minmus.

Rhodes: Tan sandstone colored moon with a rotational direction almost perpendicular to its orbital direction. Small and irregular. but it's fast rotational speed would still make for crazy landings

Thans: A small lumpy collection of partially fused asteroids that create a quilted looking moon made of various metals and stones a little smaller than Bop (65 km.)

Celia: Triton equivalent, and only a bit smaller than Duna it's the only circular moon in the system. Orbits in a huge elliptical retrograde orbit compared to the other moons. Known for its slightly dark purple hue and thin dark highly inclined (about 55 degrees above the ecliptic) ring system that starts just above the wispy atmosphere (thinnest in the Kerbol system). Using the tradition of naming outer moons after female Kerbspeare characters caused Celia to be named what it was. Perhaps a tiny globe theater sand castle is on the surface somewhere.

Kuerbier Belt Object 1a & b (Pluto/Charon Equivalents): An almost perfect binary system of two rocky worlds orbiting Kerbol in a similar resonance to Pluto and Neptune, only with Varune and the Binary Pair.

Styx: Larger of the pair of KBO worlds (70 km.). Slightly orange hued world with deep Europa style cracks in the surface. However there are also many large impacts craters suggesting any internal activity has halted long ago.

Lethe: Smaller of the two objects by 30 km. Known for several long, flat, east to west, icy, shiny, silver stripes across it's surface. Other wise a dirty snowball.

Hope you like my ideas


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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to see more planets from science fiction, Larry Niven of the ringworld series, one of my favorite authors, wrote about human expansion into the near by stars in his books of known space and describes several interesting worlds.

Plateau A planet with earth normal gravity with no moon and a single very high mountain, about the size of new zeland, the rest covered with a very dense atmosphere. the livable areas are on plateaus on the mountain roughly 20,000meters above sea level .

Jynx heavy gravity planet, roughly twice the earths gravity, egg shaped with a high rotation rate, the Poles are in vacuum with the equatorial areas venus like with a narrow band that support earth like atmosphere.

wonderland system, primary world is 60% earth gravity good atmosphere but a lot of asteroids rivaling small moons.

Canyon, a mars like world that has a deep crater, over 5 Km deep, that holds a near earth like atmosphere, roughly the size of California Baha peninsula

just to think of a few...

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Gas Planets


A dwarf gas planet with a brownish tint, probably in the 1500km radius range. Could possibly orbit inside of Kerbin (would be interesting to have it closer to the sun than Moho). That or orbit outside of Jool. Slight inclination and eccentricy, but nothing crazy.


A pink gas planet slightly larger than Jool. Likely going to orbit outside of Jool with little to no eccentricity or inclination.

Rocky Planets (Could be moons of these gas planets)


A rocky planet nearly twice the size of Kerbin with high gravity and no atmosphere. Basically something to make Tylo look easy to land on.


A bluish-gray rocky planet slightly larger than Deredict with insane gravity and a thick atmosphere. (around 4atm.) It has a flat surface with a few small seas. The planet's surface is made of Osmium. Basically a world to make Eve look forgiving.


Black volcanic sand moon. Gentle slopes and moderate gravity. About half the size of Kerbin.


Basically a 'patched' version of KPF's Inaccessible. The equator rotates and about 90% of escape velocity and is rocky. The poles are icy and hold a moderate atmosphere.


A Dres-like body that orbits the sun backwards.


A small Titan-like moon with a thick atmosphere and forgiving gravity. I personally think that a small moon with a thick atmosphere would offer a unique challenge.


An ice moon with a thin atmosphere. Kep would have a narrow band of oceans running around the equator.

Orgin and Spurt

Orgin is a 100km icy body in a highly inclined orbit around the sun. Spurt is a 50km body that orbits about 200km above the surface.


Vyso is a primal body with a thick oxygen-rich atmosphere and slightly larger than Kerbin. Has turquoise seas and atmosphere contrasting a bright orange surface. Surface is very treacherous with deep canyons and steep cliffs. High surface tempratures.


I want to make Gilly look big. Let's get a fun 4km body.

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(GP3) Deep-Violet colored ice giant, presumably made of similar materials to Eve in different combinations. It's a quarter the size of Jool and an eighth as massive.

It would have four moons.


A Gilly-sized moon orbiting very close to Keras.


A Dres-sized moon further out.


A Moho-sized moon with a thick atmosphere and a system of diffuse rings. Very eccentric orbit.


A Minmus-Sized moon orbiting withing Thagas' diffuse rings.


(GP4) Dark Blue-Green colored rocky planet with 6 gees at the surface and 60 atmospheres. (GP4 as assumed by NovaSilisko) Nirrep would orbit exactly opposite Keras with the same orbital period. It would be the equivalent of orbiting at the L3 point.

It would have three moons


A small, Minmus-sized moon with deep cracks all over.


A large, Mun-sized moon that is heavily cratered. It orbits Nirrep retrograde.


A small, Pol-sized moon with one large crater.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  gregroxmun said:

(gp3) deep-violet colored ice giant, presumably made of similar materials to eve in different combinations. It's a quarter the size of jool and an eighth as massive.

It would have four moons.


a gilly-sized moon orbiting very close to keras.


a dres-sized moon further out.


a moho-sized moon with a thick atmosphere and a system of diffuse rings. Very eccentric orbit.


a minmus-sized moon orbiting withing thagas' diffuse rings.


(gp4) dark blue-green colored rocky planet with 6 gees at the surface and 60 atmospheres. (gp4 as assumed by novasilisko) nirrep would orbit exactly opposite keras with the same orbital period. It would be the equivalent of orbiting at the l3 point.

It would have three moons


a small, minmus-sized moon with deep cracks all over.


a large, mun-sized moon that is heavily cratered. It orbits nirrep retrograde.


a small, pol-sized moon with one large crater.

so rocket fuel ice giant??!!!!!!

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So this seems to be the whishlist thread of 'how should your KSP System look like' ;)

Okay, so here's my wishlist:

I'd like a believable System so no crazy SciFi Worlds, but things that stars have in our Real World.

First moving Eeloo to GP2 Orbit and a nice blue GP2 with stats I described in depth here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85528-Huge-Blue-Horizon-Theories-about-the-7th-Planet its the Biggest Planet of the System! ca. 10000km Radius, but read the Thread if interested.

And on a believable Orbit, not inclined like Sentar of Planet Factory. All the heavy objects in a System would be roughly on the same plane, unless they were captured , but then heavy objects are unlikley to get captured from other stars too, especcially Gas Giants.

Eeloo should be somewhere close or in the Rings. And maybe change the Brownish things on Eeloo to be light blue, as on Enceladus , which looks much cooler.

GP2 Other moons:


Titan-equivalent: Big moon, slightly smaller than Tylo, with a very dense Atmosphere

Iapetus-eq. : Some high contrast moon. Just outside the Rings so you'll have a great view.

As Jool does'nt have one, a real Io-eq. : volcanic moon with color like Io and thin atmosphere.

5th main Moon: 150km ,A Pitch Black Moon, literally. Surface Color like Coal and you can't see anything during the nighttime if you've forgot to bring lights with you. With Rough Cliffs and Canyons, that hide in the Dark ;)

3-4 Moonlets like Bop and Pol, maybe one even Orbiting one of the main moons, so a moon-moon ;) And maybe one between GP2 and his Rings, near the Atmosphere , for View.

The moons don't have to be in that order.

8th Planet:

Two Options: Either a GP3 or a Super-Earth, ca. 3500 km Radius (smaller than GP2 and Jool)

GP3-Option: For variety of GP's either a strong Red or Yellow or a very Dark Blue color and maybe thin tiny Rings.

Super-Earth-Option: Atmosphere like the one on Kerbin, but very very high Surface gravity so you'll need more than parachutes to land and a lot of DeltaV to start again. Should be a very hostile place, like Eve or a gas giant, no life or Oxygen atmo. Looking hostile from SPAAACEE and beeing even more hostile on the ground.


Triton-eq: 400km Radius Moon with retrograde Orbit, surface similar to Triton.

A standard 'Moon'-Moon: like Mun, Ike or Dres and like most of the Moons in our System. Maybe with very high rotational speed.

A SandBrown 300km Moon with a thin atmosphere, looks warm but is below zero, with some liquid lakes made of liquid Carbondioxide or Methane.

2-3 Moonlets.

--(Maybe a GP4 but only if performance of KSP increases and if it'll be something new and unique, different to GP 1-3)

9th Planet-oid:

Ike sized Object on eccentric orbit in ressonace to 8th Planet.

small Gilly-sized Moon

10th Planet - not actual an Planet:

1 or 2 Comets on highly eccentric Orbits coming from behind 9th down to closer than Moho.

Another Solar System would be cool, but with the stock Tech level it's not practical to get there, so i doubt it will happen and for me, if the Kerbol System gets interesting enough, i'll be totaly fine ;)

I'm not good in finding Names (for GP2 maybe those Nova proposed) if you come up with something i should now, please comment.

And then some immersive enhancements like active geysiers or vulcanos. And then some Biomes, but not as much as the Mun has for every planet, especially if just renaming same looking Craters. And simultanously either increasing tech-cost or drastically decreasing science pool everywhere.

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I made a planet I was hoping Squad would add, I worked hard on it, 3 days to get it perfect, (non stop by the way).

Its called "Rahhu" Its a Desert planet, 60% Land and 40% water, no ice. 1.3x bigger than Kerbin.

Here is a flat map of it:


Let me know what you all think.

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Volcanic activity. Cryo and Lava volcanoes. Seismic activity, Tidal forces activity on jool closest moons. Toxic atmosphere planets, that will need a specially tailored spacecrafts. Temperature difference should matter, ie. planets like Moho should burn you alive on bright side.

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This was my (revised) idea for the Kima System. Kima would be a new gas planet orbiting inside of Jool. Kima has six moons: Deredict, Fronz, Kyte, Origin, Nobal and Pyxter.


Kima itself isn't much of anything special, it is a gas planet on a nice circular orbit around the sun. It is much smaller than Jool, about half the diameter, and has a golden color to it. (For the record, I was also considering purple.)

With Kima's moons, I attempted to encompass a number of ideas that others seem to enjoy. I tried to make each body have a unique gameplay aspect to it.

Deredict (Difficulty:Hard)


Deredict is a large, Tylo-Like moon orbiting close to Kima. Deredict is the size of Kerbin, but has higher gravity. It is Tidally Locked to Kima and as you can see, the side facing away from Kima is heavily cratered while the side facing Kima is flat. It would be nice if the craters were made a separate biome.

Also, I hear a lot of players requesting Vulcanism to make some bodies more dangerous. This is where that would most likely happen. Due to the tidal forces of its parent planet, Deredict would be dangerous to land on. Volcanoes would be more present on the side facing Kima. This makes choosing a landing site difficult. Either difficult slopes and deep craters or risk a volcano blasting your ship to smithereens.

Oh yeah, I never did mention that Deredict actually has HIGHER gravity than Kerbin. (Roughly 1.5G.) Despite being the same size. Yeah, the idea of this planet is raising my blood pressure already.

Fronz (Difficulty: Medium)


Fronz is a somewhat more forgiving body than Deredict. It is smaller, and has a thin icy atmosphere that I could liken to Duna's. (It is also similar in size and gravity to Duna) But more importantly it has an equatorial ocean with large icy poles The area around this ocean is extremely jagged with multiple-kilometer-high cliffs. This means that in order to safely land, players must approach at the poles or risk splashing down or landing on a steep slope.

Kyte (Difficulty:Easy)


Kyte is probably the most accessible to body to Newbies. It is a carbon-black moon with a smooth, dusty surface and rolling hills, and perhaps a few craters for good measure. Now that I think of it, it is very similar to Ike. Not really too much to say about Kyte, just a typical medium-sized body tailored to less experienced players.

Orgin (Difficulty: Medium)


Orgin is another body I hear players cry out for, another planet with an oxygen-rich atmosphere. Orgin is essentially a combination of the challenge of Eve and the fun of Laythe. Rough approximations of its statistics would be about 1.3G and 1.6Atm, O2 Present. But Orgin has to have some new, unique challenge. I though it might have very deep canyons in the landmasses that players could get stuck in, hindering exploration by ground.

I was also trying to think of a legitimate explanation of how Orgin might have oxygen in it's atmosphere, from a scientific standpoint. I stated that perhaps algae are present (resulting in the green color of the seas) producing energy. The thick atmosphere, along with the tidal forces of Kima, traps heat allowing life to exist this far out.

Nobal (Difficulty: Medium)


Here is another one that I see a lot: "Hey, Put something in a Retrograde orbit around the sun!". No, with stock parts it's going to be impossible to land on and return from a body like that. But, if we were to put something in a Retrograde orbit around a gas planet, it is very much reach-able. Nobal is a captured asteroid, perhaps bop/pol like. But once you've paid the heavy Delta-V toll of reversing your orbit around Kima to orbit Nobal, landing on the surface is pretty easy.

Pyxter (Difficulty: Hard)


This yet another one that I see many players requesting. For some reason, the idea of a rapidly-spinning body stretched into an oblate spheroid is enticing to many players. I, personally don't find the idea that interesting. But I wanted a sixth moon for Kima, so I resorted to this idea. I haven't thought out many of the specifics, even the color. I simply chose the red coloration because I thought there was a lack of warm colors in the Kima system.

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So i have another wish i would like to share with you, espeacially after reading the post above this.

What i would like to see for all the Celestial bodies is diversity(Without getting absurdly unrealistic). After all it's a game and it would be boring to have basically the same places.

E.g. most of the moons in our Real Solar system are basically big Rocks. Like the Moon, or Ganymede or Phobos and all the Moonlets around the Gas Giants. But i don't want to see that represented in KSP because it would be boring, sure they would be at different places but the experience of Landing and Exploring is basically the same.

So seeing the Post above:

Deredict is good i think, because of the Contrast Idea. I posted a Iapetus-Equivalent Moon myself on the last page, thats something KSP doesn't have yet.

But Kyte and Orgin are basically duplicates of Ike and Laythe, as Kuansenhama wrote himself, and thats something we don't need IMO. We'll probably have only the one Solar System and i think there should be diversity in exploring the different bodies to explore. Something that looks different or/and has different physical properties. So another Body with liquids on the surface okay, another body with Oxygen okay, even another Body with Oxygen and maybe a 'few' little lakes okay, but we don't need another Waterworld like Laythe, we have that already.

And that Kyte is basically Ike. I think a main-'rock'- Moon around GP2 is okay as the majority of real GP Moons are like that, so like a representative for that. but than with different properties as those we already have. And the argumend for less experienced players isn't so strong speaking of a Gas Giant Moon. Every KSP-Player can train at the Mun and Minmus and Duna and Ike thats already the Training site. Every KSP Player that can get to one of the Gas Giants and then in an Orbit around one of its moon is probably experienced enough to plan ahead and look at the choosen body.

Don't understand me wrong, this is not critic of the post above, i like to read all the different wishes for the system, i choosed your Kyte and Orgin just as an example to point out what i mean.

What do you think about that.

EDIT: I just had an Idea for a Name for Gas Planet 2: 'Syterion' --- What do you think of it?

Edited by SkyRex94
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  NovaSilisko said:
Some general concepts for changes and addition that are drifting around my head (not to say this is the way they'll be though, we've all gotta generally agree what to implement and this is just my take! Plus discovery mechanics and hence the rest of the system won't happen for many updates)

Jool: Actually the second-smallest gas giant, with unusually large moons. All other gas giants would have objects smaller than or comparable to Moho.

- Laythe: Very volcanic because of its proximity and the tidal forces from the other moons. Still oceans of water, but now with actual active volcanos with lava lakes (that destroy things)

- Vall: Never liked the design of vall too much. I'd like to make it a bit more like eeloo, with large cracks in the ice and a more chaotic surface.

- Tylo: Never liked this either, also needs to be redone. Perhaps turned into a highly-contrasting body like Iapetus.

- More tiny moons: Just a bunch of small moonlets, at least 20. Probably would be nameable by the player or given designations (ex. J-17 for the 17th moon of Jool discovered)

Gas planet 2: ~50% larger than Jool, with rings. Early version shown on a stream a while ago.

- Eeloo: Relocated to orbit GP2, now with large geysers that can knock your ship around (prototyped several weeks ago, they function quite well)

- Daphy: Unusually smooth and round ball of fluff. An asteroid which has accumulated material from the rings, practically no gravity.

- Potatus: Small moon with relatively high inclination relative to GP2's equator. Composed of ices surrounding a highly dense core. Very rapid rotation (21 minutes) causes it to be stretched into an oblate spheroid (prototyped a while ago, the physics actually work and are really cool)

- Fonso: Largest moon, ~300 km radius. Very mountainous, with a thick atmosphere that only extends partway up the mountains (as in, the mountain peaks are in vacuum, while the proper surface is at two atmospheres)

- Tiny moons: Same case as Jool

Gas planet 3: Perhaps not an actual gas planet, could be a 2000km rocky planet with a thick atmosphere (have fun landing under 6g and 30 atmospheres of pressure)

- Moon with rings? Would have to be diffuse rings as well as recent, fully-formed rings wouldn't last long in that position.

Gas planet 4: Who knows.

Beyond: Who knows x2

What if you added naming the moonlet into contracts.

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  RogueMason said:
I'd like to see this:


To further elaborate on my original idea...


The Ice Giant Isus is a planet larger than Jool at double the distance from the Sun. It has 6 notable moons and a major ring system.

Beautiful and blue, the ice giant Isus has long inspired a sense of wonder in those who have mistook it for Laythe when looking through a telescope. Those amateur stargazers thought that perhaps the aliens that lived on Laythe were building a Dyson Sphere when they noticed the rings, but the lack of Jool in any of these fools' pictures led to the eventual conclusion that this was in fact another planet further beyond the green giant. Isus is commonly seen with multiple storm systems in its cloud belts that make the world truly spectacular; in fact, Kerbin could probably fit inside the largest of the storms, the Great Dark Swirl.

Type: Gas/Ice giant

Polar radius: 10172km

Equatorial radius: 10996km

Rotational period: 19H 32M 49S

Orbital period: 18Y 129D 4H 17M

Eccentricity: 0.08

ASL Gravity: 2.5g

Axial tilt: 21°

Inclination: 3.1°

Atmosphere: 1387km

Composition: 74% Hydrogen

11% Helium

5% Oxygen

4% Methane

3% Ammonia

3% Water

Rings: Ice

Notable moons: Minduis



Pac (Shepherd)

Cirerir (Shepherd)


Pac is one of the smallest known moons in the system, and reaching it could be tricky owing to its position inside the orbit of the rings of Isus. Still, worth a shot, and if we happen to get torn to ribbons flying through those icy boulders, then at least we can say we tried.

Type: Icy/Rocky

Polar radius: 68km

Equatorial radius: 77km

Rotational period: 4H 3M 17S

Orbital period: 14H 16M 44S

Eccentricity: 0.001

ASL Gravity: 0.02g

Axial tilt: n/a

Inclination: 0.2°

Atmosphere: n/a

Composition: 51% Water ice

49% Igneous

Other: Inner Shepherd moon

Much smaller than Pac and much easier to reach, too, plus the view could be magnificent looking down through the rings to the cloud tops of Isus. It's no wonder that Cirerir is an object of much intrigue. There's also its crazy colours and wacky variation in composition going for it, too.

Type: Icy/Rocky

Polar radius: 31km

Equatorial radius: 33km

Rotational period: 4H 15M 28S

Orbital period: 27H 19M 25S

Eccentricity: 0.001

ASL Gravity: 0.009g

Axial tilt: n/a

Composition: 56% Igneous

39% Water ice

5% Metamorphic

Other: Outer Shepherd moon

Minduis was the first moon of Isus to be discovered simply because its the largest moon of the planet. It also has a thin, predominantly oxygen atmosphere, so jet engines may work here, but they'll struggle. Just beware that hydrogen is here in abundance, too; no naked flames, please, or we could be facing a hefty bill from both the contractors putting their probes there and the Planetary Protection Society.

Type: Rocky

Polar radius: 512km

Equatorial radius: 518km

Rotational period: 34H 17M 6S

Orbital period: 34H 17M 6S

Eccentricity: 0.001

ASL Gravity: 0.88g

Axial tilt: n/a

Inclination: 4.7°

Atmosphere: 12km

Atmospheric composition: 61% Oxygen

32% Hydrogen

4% Helium

2% Methane

1% Ammonia

Surface composition: 29% Igneous

71% Metamorphic

Other: Tidally locked

1:2 resonance with Icevo

Icevo cause some confusion when first spotted because people didn't know whether they were looking at a ball of ice covered in rock and dust, or if it was a giant boulder coated in snow. Turns out it's actually half and half, which is unusual, but there you go. It's a bit larger than Duna but actually has less gravity because of its lower overall density, although it has to be said that the density variations cause gravitational variations, and maintaining an orbit around this moon could prove tricky, fatal, expensive, or all three.

Type: Icy/Rocky

Polar radius: 214km

Equatorial radius: 215km

Rotational period: 68H 34M 12S

Orbital period: 68H 34M 12S

Eccentricity: 0.004

ASL Gravity: 0.21g

Axial tilt: n/a

Inclination: 3.3°

Atmosphere: n/a

Surface composition: 59% Water ice

31% Metamorphic

10% Igneous

Other: Tidally locked

2:1 resonance with Minduis

When it was finally accepted that it was a dwarf planet, Eeloo threw yet another curveball and caused a load more controversy amongst planetary scientists, all because one guy had decided to look at the planet as it happened to appear near a giant blue disc. Astronomers were utterly baffled; how the heck had they managed to miss this giant blue disc being there all along?? Needless to say, there were many more fights over its status before poor Eeloo was demoted to satellite status. Eeloo enthusiasts are not happy and are trying to convince people that it and Isus form a binary system so the moon could at least be promoted back up to dwarf planet status, but unfortunately for them, Isus was too big, and then Minduis came along and ruined their hopes and dreams. On the plus side, the view from Eeloo must be fantastic with all the other moons and the rings and stuff.

Type: Icy/Rocky

Polar radius: 204km

Equatorial radius: 216km

Rotational period: 5H 24M 20S

Orbital period: 107H 2M 53S

Eccentricity: 0.39

ASL Gravity: 0.172g

Axial tilt: n/a

Inclination: 6.5°

Atmosphere: n/a

Surface composition: 88% Water ice

96% Metamorphic

5% Igneous

Other: Cryovolcanism

Reclisto is the smallest of the main moons of Isus and is positively peppered by craters and great rifts. There are so many craters on the world, in fact, that we ran out of names and had to start making them up on the spot to appease people. Some of the larger craters and rifts are filled with ice, which makes Reclisto a rather interesting target to observe, provided your telescope is free from smudges and pollen grains.

Type: Icy/Rocky

Polar radius: 195km

Equatorial radius: 199km

Rotational period: 7H 11M 37S

Orbital period: 152H 9M 41S

Eccentricity: 0.05

ASL Gravity: 0.1g

Axial tilt: n/a

Inclination: 10.4°

Atmosphere: 4km

Atmospheric composition: 45% Oxygen

44% Hydrogen

8% Helium

3% Ammonia

Surface composition: 87% Igneous

3% Metamorphic

10% Water ice

Other: Water ice dominates craters

In the picture, the moons from left to right are Icevo, Pac, Cirerir, Minduis, Eeloo, and Reclisto. There are undoubtedly many other moonlets much like Saturn and Jupiter have, but they are not worthwhile mentioning.

Edited by RogueMason
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I would like to see another planetary system... a star with maybe two or three planets orbiting around it. What about vegetation on planets? Having a densely vegetated planet or moon could make it more challenging to land on and would probably require a few survey missions to determine suitable landing zones. Just my two cents...

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  adsii1970 said:
I would like to see another planetary system... a star with maybe two or three planets orbiting around it. What about vegetation on planets? Having a densely vegetated planet or moon could make it more challenging to land on and would probably require a few survey missions to determine suitable landing zones. Just my two cents...

We already have vegetation on Kerbin and it wrecks CPU resources.

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First post on this forum.

I'd like to see a ringed planet (like everyone else), but to make it feel more bizarre and (no pun intended) alien, why not do something like two sets of rings formed in an X pattern (Ok, the physics don't add up, but who cares?) Also, maybe a really, really distant (I'm talking REALLY far) gas giant (or even small star. Like a brown dwarf of sorts) that would behave almost like a separate star system. The moons would be unique in (one of the distant, massive ones) having a moon of its own, and some others with IO-like effects.

On the other end of the spectrum could be a planet practically inside the surface of Kerbol. It would be almost (read: more than) impossible for a kerbal to survive, but there may be a few crafts that could make it to the surface if done at the right time and spend a few seconds there to collect data. Before being incinerated.

Finally, somewhere have a moon reminiscent of the moon from Into Darkness. You know, the one that had been obliterated? Yeah. That one.

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  hppavilion1 said:
First post on this forum.

I'd like to see a ringed planet (like everyone else), but to make it feel more bizarre and (no pun intended) alien, why not do something like two sets of rings formed in an X pattern (Ok, the physics don't add up, but who cares?) Also, maybe a really, really distant (I'm talking REALLY far) gas giant (or even small star. Like a brown dwarf of sorts) that would behave almost like a separate star system. The moons would be unique in (one of the distant, massive ones) having a moon of its own, and some others with IO-like effects.

On the other end of the spectrum could be a planet practically inside the surface of Kerbol. It would be almost (read: more than) impossible for a kerbal to survive, but there may be a few crafts that could make it to the surface if done at the right time and spend a few seconds there to collect data. Before being incinerated.

Finally, somewhere have a moon reminiscent of the moon from Into Darkness. You know, the one that had been obliterated? Yeah. That one.

As much as i like the creative ideas from everyone, but i don't want to see this as stock, really! I like KSP being the (almost) only semi-realistic-plausible space game and would like it if it stays that way, so no Sci-Fi-unrealism with X-Rings or Planets in the Sun.

I think Mods are good for that for all the people who want to play it that way but not for stock.

I, for my part, plan on creating a Planet pack as soon as Kopernicus Mod has reached final release, where i plan to 'complete' the Kerbol-System in a realistic-stock-ish way, as we probably won't see new stock planets anytime soon. Keeping it realistic (in scale) but also diverse.

SO no X-Rings, no Retrograde PLANETS (Moons could be) no new Stars orbiting Kerbol and no Heavy Objects on highly inclined orbits(like Sentar) as this doesn't resemble the real nature and as said i like KSP being plausible and not another Sci-Fi-Game.

I shared my idea of a system a little earlier in this thread already. ( Some addition on that: I said i planned GP3 'maybe' to be a Super-Earth. Screw that, i did a little Research and any heavy objects as far out as Gas Giants are possible will form a Gas Giant as the solar wind isn't blowing the gas away. So GP3 will be a Gas Giant. IF i'll add a Super Eart it has to be closer to Kerbol than Kerbin and the system is pretty dense there already so i don't know yet)

But please leave the unrealism for mods in KSP. Don't turn Stock into another typical Sci-Fi-Game. Stock needs more varieaty as i said in various threads, but realistic nature still offers thousands of diverse possibilities that aren't implemented, before there is any need to go unrealistic.

NO criticism of your ideas, i think it could be a good mod, and also the X-Rings would offer a great view and the sun-planet an awesome challenge but it would definetly push the stock game totally in Sci-Fiction territority and destroying the FEELING I ( and probably others) like particulary about KSP.

(As for really far objects, when i'll make the planet pack i'm planning on implementing a Pluto-Charon object really far out. And i'm planning to implement Comets on highly eccentric orbits (Ap higher than Pluto-equvalent, Pe lower than Moho) that will offer a real challenge while being realistic too)

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We need something like a Kuiper belt with at least one binary dwarf planetoid system like Pluto and Charon. The orbit of this binary dwarf system should be around where Elloo's orbit is now, with at least two other Kuiper Belt Dwarf Planets in resonant orbits, just like Earth's Kuiper Belt.

I'd also like to see another set of dwarf planets with even more elongated orbits, similar to that of Eris on Earth.

Additionally, I'd like to see one or more additional tiny, abnormal shaped, moons around Duna. These obviously shouldn't be tidally locked the way Dres is.

Finally, I would like to see small rocks in the rings of some of the gas giants. They should be engulfed in a dusty fog, making them hard to see, but if you grab them, you should be able to drag them wherever you like.

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I would like to have a planet near or above Kerbol's escape velocity with a highly eccentric orbit. A rogue planet that you only have a small window to catch. Its periapsis could be in between Kerbin and Eve.

Also two planets sharing the same orbit could be cool.

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