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Thinking of making a KSP cinematic/trailer thing. Any advice?

Hobbes Novakoff

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I just finished building my new computer, so I now have access to unparalleled raw power in the form of an overclocked i5-6600K and a GTX 960. I'm thinking of making a cinematic/trailer thing for KSP. I have a tiny bit of video editing experience (as in, occasionally I make science videos in iMovie) and I'm completely new to a lot of this. So do you guys have any advice on screen recording software, or video editing or music, or anything?

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Well first off, you have a Nvidia card, so you should have ShadowPlay available to you...use it! It's pretty darn good :)

Music can be a bit of a pain from time to time, but http://incompetech.com/ is a fairly go to place

Personally I use Sony Vegas Pro, but I've seen that Adobe After Effects can get some good effect as well, if you have the money. If not, Windows Movie Maker is better than some people give it credit for. It's always a good idea to start off basically so you don't overwhelm yourself with making a film and having to do it in a new, complicated video editing suite.

When you get into the game, there are a few mods I'd recommend:


Camera Tools

Stock Bug Fixes - this is primarily so you can turn off the green highlights that you get when you mouse over a part

I'm fairly new to this, but I've learnt the basics quickly thanks to experimentation and help from others. If you have any questions feel free to PM me :) 

*Shameless Plug*

My latest project, showing you what you can do with KerbCam and whatnot


Edited by MrMeeb
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For video editing, I can't recommend Blender enough. Its free, open-source, and very powerful.

It can be a bit difficult for a beginner though, so watch some tutorials to get started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=te9HFQVaSUE


For recording, OBS is a great free option as well. Once again, the settings can be a bit confusing, so check out some tutorials: https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/how-to-make-high-quality-local-recordings.16/

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