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Hello, here's my shuttle.

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Hey guys, I just joined the KSP forums and I have to say this is a wonderful community. I'd like to share with you my KTS (Kerbal Transportation System) It's a space shuttle but with LRB's instead of SRB's. Tell me what you think and tell me if you need any help with shuttles. I will be very glad to help you. Here's a few pictures of one of the first missions. :) 


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Hey man, welcome to the forums! Love the shuttle, it's very well done. Simple is very often best.

Just a heads up, you can actually embed your imgur albums in your posts. There's a little imgur icon on the top far right when making a post, which you can put this part of the url into. imgur.com/gallery/Iylu7

Ends up looking like this:

Us forum dwellers don't like to have to leave our little comfort zone to check out the cool pictures :P


Edited by Red Dwarf
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