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Gold Stingray Inc. Spacecraft Division [New: Cygnus, Azure Kite, Azure Orca]

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I have a lot of laptop-friendly spaceships that you can test. Most of my craft are more efficient, smaller, and can go farther than the white lightning, but don't look (near) as nice.

I can pm you some pics and dl links

Please. My laptop died earlier on a six part ship testing Rotatrons. I'm srs.

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<responding to a p.m.>

Both stock?

These are both full stock. My only modded ships (so far) just have mechjeb on them, and are included in the name of the craft.

e.g. "Mun Cube 2 mech" your inbox is full, btw ;)

</responding to a p.m.>

I'm mostly applying to join because your "rocket" section seems disappointingly empty :P (and I need some inspiration for more rocket designs)

I can write up some spec.s for the types of rockets for you. You can use them or ignore them...

Low Orbiter class:

A rocket that is capable of a 70/70km stable orbit. Capable of a rendezvous EVA crew switch or rescue. Typically these rockets are cheap and have a tight fuel budget.

High Orbiter class:

A rocket that is capable of a low to far orbit. Also capable of a munar or minmus orbit. These rockets have plenty of fuel to make rendezvous easier than a Low Orbiter, due to additional fuel. These rockets are basically mun-capable, but without the landing legs. So it is not a suggested use of such craft.

Light Munar Lander class:

Capable of getting your kerbal(s) to the mun and back safely. These craft require efficient gravity turns, TMI burns, and return maneuvers. These rockets typically leave nothing on the mun, and are simply for exploring the munar surface by EVA.

Heavy Munar Lander class*:

Capable of landing a large lander of the mun, and on minmus on the same run. These craft can usually serve as an emergency High Orbiter class to rendezvous and rescue stranded kerbals in orbit.

Munar Base Lander*:

Capable of starting a mun base on the mun. These rockets can basically take the ISS and land it on the mun. Returning back to kerbin might not be necessary.

Planetary lander class*:

Capable of landing on the two nearest planetary bodies to Kerbin. Do not expect it to be easy. Do not expect to return home.

Planetary explorer class**:

Capable of orbiting or landing any planetary body in the kerbal solar system. Do not expect it to be easy. Do not expect to return home.

* = {The liftoff stage of these craft will typically slow down most computers, due to large stages.}

** = {The liftoff stage of this craft will slow your computer to a crawl. Even if it's a NASA computer. You've been warned.}

Edited by Newt0570
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Hi, I am proud to present some of my Work

First: A WORKING VTOL-Plane, The "KERRIER JET". Also it's fast: 200 m/s @ 300m

Mods used : JellyCubes Bicoupler, Swept Back Wings pack (don't Know how It's called), and Damned Aerospace.

Second: A Concept for a Interplanetary Vessel (Gets ~50 Tons of Fuel on Minimus) called "IO 5"

Mods used : NovaPunch Remix, K&W, Crewtank, Failcan.

PM me if you want dem .craft files,


Edited by bimp95
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I'll take 'em, Bimp.

Thanks for the Rocket Classification List, Newt, I'll add it now.


Gold Stingray needs a logo. It's your job to make one! Deadline is September 4th.


The winner will recieve a fortnight of paid vacation at the Waves five-star hotel in the warm county of Geurry, in Angleland!

Edited by Luigibro606
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ATTENTION CUSTOMERS: We apologize for the loss of our ships on the OP. We tried to update it and the whole thing went blank. I (Plaatinum Aerospace) am trying to look in the cache for means of fixing it.

We're sorry for any problems with this, we will try to fix this ASAP.

Meanwhile, you can still view our (older) work at: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/15391-Gold-Stingray-Inc-Spacecraft-Showcase-Thread?highlight=Gold+Stingray

Please note that the ships in the showcase are for 0.15

Thanks for hanging in there!

Plaatinum Aerospace

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8Peefl.jpgMay I join? If so what positions are currently available? I am currently working on a massive bomber project (yet to name it any name suggestions are welcome) and I also have several space planes already.

also as a side note I am a mechanical engineer and have experience with aerospace engineering, if you need that kind of skill set let me know

Edited by Archangel1
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uknut, your ship is done (see above)

We love new employees!

Please send me a best ship download link, a picture of the ship, and a few sentences on why you want to join.


i can make nice planes but dont now how to upload. i got a plane that kan take of standing stil go to hove from flight and do al that flying by hand.



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