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Nem Kerbonaut reporting!


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Hi, felllow spacemen!

Discovered the game trough a friend and I'm really enjoying it. Saw a bunch of youtube videos and there's definitely a lot to learn, but it certainly seems worthwile.

Already got testing with it yesterday and managed (after many failed attempts), to build and fly a space orbiting rocket.


Today I digged a lot for mods, and ended up installing a bunch:

Kerbal Engineer
Docking Port Alignment Indicator
kerbal Alarm Clock
Science Alert
Menu Stabilizer

These just seem the "basic ones" to get started, without adding many parts, since I've yet to fully understand or explore, the stock ones.


Anyways, it's always a fantastic experience when you pick a new game and discover such an invested and knowledgable fanbase.

See you over Kerbal!

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On 22/01/2016 at 1:40 PM, Starhawk said:

Hello kramxel, and welcome to the forum!

There is an insane learning curve, but it's well worth it.  We have an engaged and very helpful community.  Look forward to seeing you around.

Happy landings!


Really trying to better understand some concepts and trying to establish some knowledge on rocket launching (TWR values, proper staging and optimization of launches), instead of going straight for orbiting affairs.

I don't intend to use mechjeb to automate my launches, so I think it's an important part of what I'm trying to achieve.

After I can dominate that and have a launch I can eye-ball and not repeat 3 or 4 times, I'll dwell on other matters.

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Yeah, already gone through some of the recommended threads even before I decided to buy KSP (yeah, I know I'm crazy).

I'm having some difficulties understanding the loading system. Already did some searches and noticed I'm not the only one having issues with it.

It's so confusing how the quicksave function works, when you aren't able to see the names of existing saves so you can, for instance do quicksave 1, quicksave 2... and quickloading without timestamps is shady at best....

Also I see the game autosaves a lot, but in what file? Is it that "persistent" file?


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Welcome! If you ever need help put up a thread, my first one got a lot of posts with really helpful tips, which really helped. Also the wonderful Navball Docking Port Alignment Indicator is a less intrusive version of D.P.A.I. with only a red prograde/retrograde indicator to show where the other port is. That's just my personal preference, all the other mods I love and use all the time. Unless I forget to install them. :wink:

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First, I'd liket to thank both of you for the replys!


7 hours ago, Starhawk said:

The autosaves are to the 'persistent.sfs' file.

To make a named quicksave, you can press the mod key (Alt on windoze) + F5.  Mod key + F9 loads any save game.  The F5 key just overwrites the last quicksave.

Happy landings!

I've thought about it and I can name my quicksaves using real date and time, so I don't get them mixed up.


8 hours ago, legoclone09 said:

Welcome! If you ever need help put up a thread, my first one got a lot of posts with really helpful tips, which really helped. Also the wonderful Navball Docking Port Alignment Indicator is a less intrusive version of D.P.A.I. with only a red prograde/retrograde indicator to show where the other port is. That's just my personal preference, all the other mods I love and use all the time. Unless I forget to install them. :wink:

Haven't tried docking yet. So I'll see if I feel it's a bit too much and switch to the Navball one. Thanks for the suggestion.

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On 1/22/2016 at 3:00 PM, kramxel said:

These just seem the "basic ones" to get started, without adding many parts, since I've yet to fully understand or explore, the stock ones.

Sounds like a good idea. I played the sandbox game a few times years ago but never really got the hang of it. I don't think I even made it to the moon. Fired it up again now around christmas and found there were new play modes, so I started a career and a science game. It's much easier to learn it when you don't have that jungle of parts to choose from before you know what you want them for. As you unlock new things, you start using them and progress is smooth sailing.

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