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Support for accented letters

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I speak Italian, I tried to get my cousin into this (Italian native), he was frustrated that there wasn't support for the accented letters. This should be added, and shouldn't be that hard. I believe SQUAD could just use a nice free font, there's a lot out there, and it isn't shameful to use.

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I thought I remembered seeing in a devnotes there was work going on for localizations, but I can't remember whether it was an official statement or not.

Either way, we should be demanding full Unicode support. I suspect it's one of those situations where going whole hog would end up being less work than trying to half-*** it.

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29 minutes ago, pincushionman said:

I thought I remembered seeing in a devnotes there was work going on for localizations, but I can't remember whether it was an official statement or not.

Either way, we should be demanding full Unicode support. I suspect it's one of those situations where going whole hog would end up being less work than trying to half-*** it.

Well, I predict 'reasons' being something along the lines of "Too much code to make Unicode compatible, so we can't touch it." to not implement it. Any sane developer already makes their code Unicode compliant nowadays.

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48 minutes ago, BloodDusk said:

Well, I predict 'reasons' being something along the lines of "Too much code to make Unicode compatible, so we can't touch it." to not implement it. Any sane developer already makes their code Unicode compliant nowadays.

As a matter of fact, Unity has full support for Unicode out-of-the-boxSo if the U5 UI overhaul isn't including work to make sure this is taken advantage of…tsk tsk.

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17 minutes ago, pincushionman said:

As a matter of fact, Unity has full support for Unicode out-of-the-boxSo if the U5 UI overhaul isn't including work to make sure this is taken advantage of…tsk tsk.

While the engine has Unicode support, doesn't mean the game's source code has said Unicode support. Hopefully someone with some sense and...marketing vision pushes full Unicode support. The hability to translate games to different languages will mean more KSP players. Not everyone speaks English.

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A lot of the text you see on the screen is included in the game as obfuscated string constants, or so I've seen.  They'd need to move to a different model (state machine would work well with the existing code) for full i18n support.  They should also put the text into text files that can be easily edited, and are already halfway there with Strategies and Contracts and Agencies and Science results, etc...

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