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Fun with 2 PCs


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This is just kind of a goofball idea I just experimented with, thought some of you out there might get a kick out of this idea or do something cool with the concept.

I have two computers at home, one which is fairly powerful and what I do most of my gaming with, and the other is an older system I have hooked up to a HDTV which I mostly use for Netflix and other stuff while playing games. I\'m running Mouse Without Borders so I can switch control between the two systems using just the keyboard and mouse hooked up to my gaming system. This software is very useful, you can easily switch control of either system just by moving the mouse off the screen or using hotkeys, but you can also do an 'All PC' control mode where it mirrors your input on both systems at the same time. Using this mode I launched KSP on both PCs, built a simple 2 stage rocket (the massive rockets I usually play with lagged my old system, causing major input-differences) and got it up to orbit simultaneously on two PCs at the same time (hopefully this doesn\'t break any license restrictions lol, I only paid for 1 copy).

Would be cool if in the future they implemented some multiplayer mode and you could dock with yourself or something. Maybe its possible using some sort of persistence file sharing trickery, dunno.

My Main rig: i5 2500k @ 3.3Ghz, 8GB DDR3 RAM, Geforce GT460 1GB.

Secondary system: E8200 Core 2 duo @ 2.66Ghz, 4GB DDR2 RAM, Geforce GT220 1GB.

Edit: I am also curious about any other fun ideas with KSP using 2 machines, I\'ve seen a telemetry plugin that spat raw data out over the network so you could graph it and what not. But what I think would be cool is some sort of mission control plugin you could run on a separate machine (or in a separate window on the same PC) that would give you a real time graphical view of a kerbalized version of the telesscreens from the real life mission control, like so: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/Mission_control_center.jpg

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I like to attach my big screen hd tv to my laptop while I\'m playing ksp. It makes everything look, well... big! And bigger just makes the experience that much bigger in my opinion. I wish I could split different game views (map view, regular view, the view without altimeter and navball, etc) on different screens. It would be cool knowing when I need to go into map view, I could look down and it would be there as regular view without the instruments is on the big screen and the altimeter and navball, etc is on another screen on my left. I get the feeling that I\'m truly in mission control down on kerbin. :P

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