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Getting back to KSP and RO


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Hello, I have fixed the memory and played for a few days, and I think it's time to warm up in the forum. I realized that I have rediscovered the game was so interesting... You can fly, though, with AJE and DRE I can't fly far so far,  but fly above my home is really something amazing.

This is what I have done for two days, amazing, right?


4Chi0Od.jpgHjOVWDW.jpgwweDjxJ.jpg<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="ryhAR"><a href="//imgur.com/ryhAR">Back to KSP</a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Edited by virtualizerocket
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Hello virtualizerocket, and welcome (back?) to the forum!

The rightmost icon in the row of editing icons at the top of the post editing box is a little letter 'i'.  Clicking on that will let you embed an imgur album by pasting in the character code from the album (the last part of the url).

Happy landings!

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On 2016年1月24日 at 10:44 PM, Starhawk said:

Hello virtualizerocket, and welcome (back?) to the forum!

The rightmost icon in the row of editing icons at the top of the post editing box is a little letter 'i'.  Clicking on that will let you embed an imgur album by pasting in the character code from the album (the last part of the url).

Happy landings!

Thanks for that!

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